Chpt. 3

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chapter 3!

Walking throughout the halls of school was like walking into another universe. The place was full of chaotic teens, laughing and other stuff.

"Ewww get a room" Aly whispered to their little group as two people were making out on a locker.

A flutter of laughs and giggles went through the group, as they strut the hallways like runway models. (Slayyyy)

"RINGGGGGG!!!!!" Well looks like it's time to go, they say they're goodbyes, and they all go to their respective classes and wait more boring hours to come forward.

Damn that teacher is kinda hot, Yoon thought. Maybe I should ask for his number after class. Wait what the fuck?! Dang never knew I was that nasty. Anyways wonder what the others are doing...

Aleia burst out laughing "HAHAHA ALY WHAT IS THAT??" People were shushing them and the art teacher gave them a glare, and Aly's painting was still in progress.

"Omg Aleia shut up, I'm still working on it" Aly sneered back, focusing on her art.

Aleia rolled her eyes "Oh well, that is true you are still working on it. I'll leave you alone I guess" She shrugged, and went back to her own art.

" Blah, Blah, Blah, History is important, Blah, Blah...." Blabbed the History teacher.

Penny wasn't even listing to anything.
She was so focused on the fat spider slowly dropping down onto her teachers head. Should she tell the teacher? Ehhhh maybe... a little later.

Mako saw the spider dropping down, all the other students probably could see it too. He had no intentions of telling the teacher about it because it would be funny to see the teachers reaction.

"Dinosaurs, Blah, Blah, Blah, extinct, Blah, Blah" Thats when the teacher saw the spider and screamed and fell backwards conveniently on the fire alarm. And that's exactly when all hell broke loose.

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