Chpt. 9

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As they walked out Mako had to ask:

"Why didnt you let us beat his ass up??" Frowned Mako, in general he just really wanted to beat someone up.

"Ehhh I dont know. I wanna beat him up, but in a different way" She explained to him.

"Like how??? You wanna drug him? Scam him?? Take away his adopt me pets??" He scoffed, as they started getting closer to the car.

"No !! Im not that crazy Mako- But I still do wanna take revenge !" She explains again.

She unlocks the car and everyone hops in the car and popping snack into their mouths. Yoon takes out ger phone and starts dialing someones number.

"Who are you calling?? Mum asked with a mouth full of Sits chips.

Yoon turned to the back seat. "Ghost buster's- Im calling the weird pedo lookin ass guy at the store !"

After a few rings the man finally picked up

"Hello? Who is this?" The creep said, irritatedly.

"Heyyy is this the shop clerk at the gas station on Plaza Boulevard? Its was the girl you gave your number to" Yoon said sweetly, she glared at everyone to keep quiet.

"Oh hey~ I didnt think you would call. By the way my names Steve. And whats your name lovely?~" He tried to say seductively. Obviously it wasn't working whatsoever, first off his voice sounded so crusty that even a hyenas laugh sounded better than this mans voice.

She hesitated for a bit and quickly thought of a name. 'Ughhh whats a name, maybe Kayla. Yeah Kayla. Didnt I use to have a friend that was named that? She was kinda bitchy-'

"Hello? Are you still there?" Yoons thoughts got interrupted

"Heh, sorry I was in a daze cause of that lovely voice you have~ Anyways my name is Kayla" Well that was a fat lie. The man seemed to make a flustered noise. 'Damn this man is a big dumb fuck' She thought

"E-erm uhm thank you- So are you interested in hooking?" Yoon could hear the smirk on his face through the phone.

She had this whole hoe down show down going on in her head, on how she would tell the wife everything that this crusty man has been doing.

"Yes actually I am. But important question how old are you exactly?- Im not saying you don't look great~ But Im just making sure that if we get caught that it'll be legal..." This was the real test for him, too see if he was the big pedophile they all thought he was. And the looking great part was a lie obviously.

"Oh baby age shouldn't matter~ But if you insist Im 46 to be exact" He said maliciously across the phone.

'Yep its confirmed this guy is a pedophile, the pedometer is going off the charts!' The friend group all crowded around the phone listening to the very suggestive way this creep was talking.

"...Wouldn't you have a wife and kids by now?" Yoon asked, concerned for if he did have a wife and kids.

"Yea I do have a wife and kids but we don't need to tell them~"

'Is this man fucking with me right now? He's willing to cheat on his own wife he's probably been married to for years just for a night with some chick named Kayla?! He must be that desperate' Yoon frowned as she thought about it.

"Okay~ We can have a date, before our night, just the 2 of us~" She said

She wasn't only gonna stand him up but instead of her going she would tell his wife everything and surprise him with his wife at the crappy Arbys their 'Date' would take place.

"What was your name again sir?" She was gonna try to find his wife on facebook through his account.

"Steve Williams my darling~" He tried to say it seductively.

"Okay, Steve cya tomorrow at 4 pm sharp at the nearest Arby's from here. Dont be late!" Then she hung up before he could respond.

"Danggg Yoon that man has like a double life now. So whats the plan?" Aleia questioned, she too was amazed by how this man was so willing.

Yoon explain the plan to everyone on how the hoe down show down would happen in the Arby's parking lot. Everyone tried to add little details they thought would help the plan but Yoon wasn't too sure about it.

"Maybe we should tell her to being a knife for revenge on the man for trying to cheat!" One of them said

"Or maybe she could bring divorce papers at hand" Another one said with a mouth full of chips

"Okay maybe the divorce papers but definitely not the knife, I don't want my girlie going through a divorce to get arrested for beating his ass up! I mean if it weren't illegal then I would've gladly let her beat his ass up" She contemplated on the plan and went through it over and over until it finally sat with her.

"Now its time to look for his wife! We can probably find her on Facebook cause literally all the oldies have it" She started typing 'Steve Williams' into the search bar, and bingo there the man was with his crusty profile picture.

"Now time to look at the people he follows. His wife has to be there, I mean why wouldn't you follow your own wife?" She starts scrolling and scrolling until she came upon a lady peeked her attention, she clicked on the ladies profile and low and behold various photos of both the cashier and wife together.

   "Now the most important thing to do is message his wife about his absurd interactions he had with me" Yoon smirked as she started viciously typing her thoughtful message. Once she was done typing she showed her friends the message as they pondered the idea of the man's relationship status being destroyed by Yoon.

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