Chpt. 11

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The car crept down the empty road of each neighborhood, while soft snoring was heard from the back seat. Those in the back had fallen asleep one by one, as the drowsiness ensued from their late night activities. Yoon would wake them up one by one as she stopped at their respective house's, she gave each one a grin and a wave as she sent them to their front doors.

   They were all home by early sunrise, as the sun's rays shined out. It gave everything the light touched an orange hue. Once she was finished dropping them off it was time for her to go home.
She smiled to herself, as she realized many of the strong bonds she's made with her friends. Before she moved back to America it was a endless loop of having to cut ties and mend ties with people, she knew they hurt her but theres always second, third, forth, fifth, even sixth chances. Many of those past bonds are put behind her, but there are still several that stay imprinted in her mind. One of her various escape's was talking to her used to be online friends, Aria, Laila, Aleia, Mako, Aly, and Penny. Now they all happily see each other on a daily going on some new adventure.

She hummed a sweet tune as she pulled into her houses driveway. She pulled her keys out and hoped out the car. Her keys jingled as Yoon tried to find which key was her house key. Once the key was found she shoved the key into the keyhole and slowly opened the door try to be as quite as possible. The moment she heard the slightest creak her heart started pounding even faster than it was moments ago.

Alas Yoon made it successfully in the house, she creeped up the stairs down a hallway to the comfort of her room. When she opened the door to her room she immediately plopped down on her bed and curled up on her bed. She didn't mind the fact she didn't change into her pajamas, there was no time to she was already half asleep. She was exhausted from their late night activities, but obviously it was worth the exhaustion. They always seem to pump adrenaline into her.

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