Chpt. 7

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   All passed out on the car floor and seats, they all drank too many caprisuns that night. And reeked of alcohol from others. In the parking lot of god who knows where, is that a McDonald's?????

   Then there was also a buzzing and ringing noise....ugh whose alarm was that. Uh oh

    Laila jolts up awake, and there the alarm was, running and being annoying. She turns off the alarm, and looks around. Laila and Aria were the only ones awake, they were in a McDonald's parking lot? And there was a hobo walking up to Yoons car in the parking lot with a shopping cart and some canned goods.

"KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK" The homeless guy was banging on the window repeatedly.

"*Hiccup* dO YoU gUys goT anY cHange?? I nEEds to bUy a DriNk *hiccup* and some nice sugAr from thAt guY oVer *hiccup* thereE!" Everyone in the car was now awake, and the hobo was yelling loudly the same things.

"Sorry man we don't got anything on us" Laila lied they probably had a fat stash of cash in the car.

"HOW COULD YOU??" The homeless man started to raise his shopping cart with the intentions of wrecking the car.

"YOOONNNN WHERES YOUR KEYS???" Laila demanded, the hobo was probably gonna start chucking canned foods at them.

"Huh?? Keys??? KEYS!" Yoon tossed her keys over to Laila and she inserted the keys as fast as she could. There was literally no time for safety precautions they just needed to get away.

"SKRTTTT" As they all sped out of the Mc Donalds parking lot.


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