Chpt. 14

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She walks outside towards her car, the sound of her high heels clacking echoed throughout her quite neighborhood. She looks into her purse to find her keys and presses the unlock button before entering into the drivers seat.

Time skip to the restaurant

An older dude (Who she suspected to be her "date") was waiting in front of the restaurant and didn't seem to give notice of her arrival. She pulls out her phone to message his wife to see if she too had arrived. A few seconds later she replies Yes. Now it was go time!

   She texted one more time to tell her wife to wait a bit when she meets the man so that he can start to feel comfortable before ruining his life. She grabbed her purse from the passengers seat while slipping her phone back where it belonged. She had texted her friends beforehand her location just in case the man tried anything funny. She took one last look at herself in the car mirror before stepping out to confront the man.

   As she locks her car door the older man seems to take notice of her arrival. He starts straightening himself up for a great impression. Padding down the wrinkles on his dress shirt and making sure he wasn't drooling when she sees him.

   Her heels clacked on the pavement as she approach  the man. He smirked at her as she greeted him before he grabbed her hand and kissed it as his greeting. Yoon was gonna make sure to burn the hand he kissed off. She made eye contact with the lady that she thought to be his wife then eyed her that it was about time for her to break the news.

Uh so Im basically done with this part of the story im kinda having writers block with this part idk why 💀

Also i might not update as often but don't worry ill make a come back soon

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2022 ⏰

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