Chpt. 10

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   Bloodshed looked like it was gonna be happening when they started fighting for who gets the Aux. "My taste is better-" or "No mine is!" All of them rambled, glaring at each other. Each of them scrambled to plug their phone into the cable first. Each of them tugging on the cable, and shoving each other to be the controller of the music. As they're ruckus continued for a good 10 minutes of the car ride. They settled on ending the fight in silence, no sound nor music, just the comfort of silence:

   They drove through the city into the sunrise. As they drove across a bridge they watched the pink and orange clouds creating art as they slowly start to drift away looking like smudged paint, the suns rays start to shine through their tinted windows, as they start to get rid of the silence as it started to get eerily uncomfortable, they started discussing topics such as their school teachers.

   "Whaaaa your teacher lets you do that? Mine doesn't your lucky" Aleia  frowned at Mako.

   "Yep hehe" He smirked back.

   The car was back in a comforting silence as they sat, the tall city becoming smaller and smaller in the rear end mirror. They were getting closer to their houses, each of then slowly started to slump over as the sleepiness started kicking in. Hopefully their parents weren't gonna be awake once they arrived.

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