Chpt. 8

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   "What the hell just happened?- Also I'm hungry can we stop somewhere to eat?" Yoon asked, it was around 3 am what an early time to be awake.

   "You guys wanna stop by the gas station to get a snack?" Yoon offered gesturing to the gas station across the street.

   "Mmm first we gotta check if that hobo is still following us, I dont wanna do that again.." Laila grumbled at Yoon.

   "Does anyone know what happened last night??-" Mako thought as hard as he could but he couldn't remember a single thing they did. All he remembered is them going to the karaoke bar.

"...." Im pretty sure everyone remembered it but just didnt wanna talk about it.

   They all walked out the car to the gas station. And went on a little shopping spree there. Once they finished grabbing all their junk food, they all went to the front counter where the tired looking store clerk sat slouching, looking like he was falling asleep.

   There was a bell next to him to alert when a customer needed assistance, so they decided to spam the bell to awaken the store clerk from his sleep.

   The store clerk jolted awake and immediately recited a very scripted greeting and welcoming. He stared at the big group of teens huddled in a little group waiting for their items to be scanned and to get the heck outta there before their parents all found out they stayed out for too long.

"Ehem- is that all for today? Also would you like a 15% discount if you sign up to join our membership group website?" The drowsy man asked with a glint of something in his eyes.

"No thanks!" Yoon immediately responded As Yoon some how had a wad of cash from who knows were. And handed it to the cashier who gripped her hand and felt it for a while and smirked and the hand started moving up her arm, that wasn't really a good sign of a friendly person...

   Once the cashier was finished counting the wad of money and giving Yoon her change, she immediately took the change and bag of foods and started walking out the door before the clerk could even ask if she wanted her receipt. Yoon had saw that the crusty man had writen something down on the recite, which she expected it to be his number...

The group had all saw the act, but before they could start beating his ass up for the harassment, Yoon said to just leave it and go, she didnt want them causing a big scene. But she did want revenge.

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