Chpt. 12

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Reading count 53 

Thanks you guys its more than half  a hundred and I'm very content :)

   All of them wake up feeling like shit, many of them didn't mind changing like Yoon. And to top it off they also left various valuables in Yoon's car. Yoon was abruptly awakened by the messages blowing up her phone, from her pleading friends asking for her to drop of items they left in her car. She sluggishly responded to them as the messages came in. She usually spent her morning's scrolling through Tiktok or whatever social media platforms to her liking, so that's how she spent that morning.

   Later on Yoon decided it was about time to get up and see her schedule. She asked her group chat of friends if they were up for doing anything, they discussed it for a bit and decided there were no plans happening that day. No one was up for plans either, they were all feeling like crap and tired, so was Yoon. She still had it on her schedule to confront the scruffy gas station man, so did his wife too. It would be nice if his wife got a few hits into him before giving him finalized divorce papers begging for his signature.  

   When she finally felt the strength to get up from her bed she ended up slowly scooting herself towards the edge of the bed. Letting her legs dangle from the edge for a moment before she lets her wobblily legs touch the cold floor. When she manages to stand up she starts trudging towards the bathroom. When she finally made her way to the bathroom she tried dancing in the mirror to get her mood for the day started and motivated. She brushes her teeth while she dances then does her skin routine, cleansing herself from dirt and sweat that had accumulated from the night before

   Now it was time for an outfit of the day, she wanted to find something that gave mega bad bitch energy. She was going to need the extra confidence at hand. Or maybe even something that  gave feminist vibes, either one would work. As she rolled open her closet she scans the closet for an outfit that boosted her confidence, and she found the perfect attire for the sting operation. She didn't bother putting on the outfit at the moment, she still wanted to rest up for a bit before she glammed out. She was planning to put on a whole makeup look, with glitter, rhinestones, everything. She gets out of her closet and drapes the outfit on her bed, now it was time to see truly if her parents actually noticed her coming in early that morning.

   She quickly ran down the flight of stairs to have a well needed breakfast. When she walked into the dinning room her parents greeted her, "Good morning Yoon" it followed with a slight smile and a one armed hug from her Mom, Yoon hugged back with just as much force as her Mom.

   Nothing was out of the regular so far, that's good . They had their normal conversations about school and grades blah blah blah. She ate her breakfast in sweet relief, now that she was getting older her parents didn't really care much about her whereabouts, so she can go confront the man with ease and not having them worry about her or restricting her from going.

   She excused herself from breakfast once she finished chowing down her food, hugged her Mom in gratitude "Ill be upstairs if you need me Mom" She yells from half-way up the stairs, she wasn't really sure if her Mom heard her when she didn't hear a response.

   When she reaches her room she flops down on her bed like the night before and decides to send a message or two to Aria. When she didn't respond it was time to go on Tiktok to cure her boredom. For some reason her For you page  was filled with cringey  alpha male or mafia POV's which she found hilarious. She wondered where these people get the self-confidence to post this kind of content to the world. I wish I knew where to get it from  she thought.

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