Chpt. 6

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"Dangggg, having boba after a school melt down hits different" Mako sarcastically said, they stayed there and chilled for a while.

"Omg yessir" Everyone agreed, there was still adrenaline they all felt from that accident, but it was also some what fun.

They parted ways after eating they're light dinner at the boba cafe.

   Welp guess it's time to face the wrath of parents now, the way Aria depicts them is rather gruesome, even thought it wasn't what they physically were they acted like it. Even the  stupidest things tick them off, especially bring late. She couldn't rant to Penny about this cause she was always a snitch, and that would ruin Penny's perfect perspective of them.

She took a breath as they walked through the door and stepped in. As her parents walked to the door, she was gonna have to face the wrath and deal with it.

"GWARL UR SUCh a bAcK BaCk sTaBbERRR!" Everyone reeked of sPicEy jUice 🥴🧚‍♀️✨, obviously from all the other people in the bar.(DID U RLLY THINK WE WERE DRINKING?)

"Bring a bucket and a mop for this wOrsHip and prayer" Yoon yelled into the microphone, while the rest of the fam was hyping her up.

"YESS SLAY MOTHER F/CKER !!" Aleia yelled and cheered, none of them will probably remember this, sooo better make these moments worth it.

"oOoOoO OoOoOo OoOoO OH ILL BE F-CKED UP-" Mako shouted into the microphone at the very top of his lungs

"IF YOU CANT BE RIGHT HERE!!!!" Aly finished his lyrics

"WITH A TASTE OF YOUR LIPS, IM ON A RIDEEEE!" Laila screamed into the mic, while hitting a jig.

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