Chapter 1

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It was yet again a normal boring old day at Hawkins High, everyone sitting at their individual tables not daring interact with anyone other than their cliques. You of course captain of the cheer squad was sitting with Jason and the basketball team, the only table you could actually sit on, if you dared to sit with the art students, music students or even Dustin and Mike your closest friends you would be crucified or even worse be called a freak.

You wasn't the regular bitchy team captain, you were friends with everyone and almost a grade A student but unfortunately you were just in the wrong crowd of people and couldn't get away from it, if you wasn't so good at cheer you were certain you'd be happily sat next to Dustin, Mike and the freak himself Eddie Munson. Speaking of, even you sitting next to Jason listening to your music couldn't help but notice Eddie standing on the table announcing something to the whole cafeteria.

"But as long as your into band, or science, or parties" He said sneeringly. "Or a game where you toss balls into laundry baskets!" He shouted over to your table.

You laughed to yourself, he did have a point, you belong where you belong and you get judged no matter what. You looked over to him and smiled, he winked back at you, clearly you caught his eye too.

"You want something freak!" Jason shouted over to him, making you jump a little.

You pulled his arm to tell him to sit down, "Jason leave it" You whispered to him.

You didn't hear anything from Eddie after that, only the silly little face he pulled at Jason which was quiet cute for someone who's seen at a freak.

Everyone at your table laughed at him, but not you, you were better than that, after all he was friends with Dustin and Mike. "Come on Y/N, eat your food and lets get out of here" Jason said to you.

"No you go, I have some art work to catch up on. I'll see you after class" You forced a smile .

He kissed your cheek. "I'll see you later" Jason said as he walked off with the rest of the team.

You finished up your food and made your way to the art room which was thankfully empty. You grabbed your canvas and all the paints, turned your Walkman on for some music and began your painting.

You were doing well for the 30 minutes you were in there without any distractions but then Mike and Dustin walked threw the door.

You paused your Walkman and took your headphones off as there was something clearly urgent the guys needed you for.

"Y//N! We need your help" Dustin blurts out.

"Is everything alright?" You ask in a panic.

"Why would you say it like that" Mike turned to Dustin, "Everything is fine Y/N, We just need a favour from you"

You roll you eyes, whenever it came to the boys and favours it was never a good thing. "What is it this time?" You ask.

"Lucas has his basketball game and we need a replacement for him for the DnD game tonight, please join the team for the night?" Dustin pleads.

"Join Hellfire club? You hesitated. "I have to watch Jason at the game tonight" You told them.

"I'll give you 20 bucks!" Mike shouts out.

You laughed. "Guys I would, it's been so long since we've played DnD and Jason would kill me if I missed the game"

Dustin and Mike looked disappointed. "It's alright, maybe another time" Mike said as they walked off towards the door.

"Eddie is gonna be so annoyed we haven't found a sub" Dustin said in the distance.

The name Eddie peaked you're interest a little more, you knew he played DnD but you didn't know he would be playing tonight. "I guess I can be sick for the game tonight" You raised your voice slightly so the boys could hear you.

They turned around instantly and smiled. "Y/N you're the best" Mike replied.

"We'll definitely going to be victorious now!" Dustin said. "Vecna won't know what hit him" He added.

"Vecna! I'm not that good" You began to panic. "I'm only level 15!" You reminded the guys.

"That's only 5 away from Eddie, you can 100% destroy Vecna" Dustin tried to motivate you.

"Alright fine. But no one and I mean no one can know I was with you all tonight... What time do you want me there?" You asked.

"Seven at Mikes house" Dustin told you.

"Of course it's Mike's house" You smiled to yourself. You put your headphones back on and went back to painting. "I'll see you later then" You waved goodbye to the boys.

*Later on*

Per your plan on getting out of the basketball game you had to act sick in front of Jason to leave school early to 'get some rest' and unfortunately miss his game, you were full of regret missing his game and having to stay home, you said you'd get some rest and then come back to school but he insisted you stay home. Sometimes he was such a nice guy but mostly an ass and you couldn't wait for school to be over to be rid of him for a while, you weren't technically dating so ignoring him for a week or two would be alright and hopefully he'd get the message.

It was around 6:30 when you began to get ready for the night, Mike only lived down the road so it wouldn't take you long to get there. You went with your regular denim shorts, shirt tucked in combo with your hair parted to the side like usual, slid on your trainers and left just in time for Mike's house.

"Hi Mrs Wheeler!" You greeted Mikes mum as she opens the door.

"Y/N Hi, how are you Sweetie?" She welcomes you inside. "The boy's are downstairs"

"Thanks" You smiled at her and headed for the basement.

"Mike! Y/N' is here!" Mrs Wheeler shouted down.

You didn't hear much of the conversation between the boys before you got to the basement but the first words you did hear was from Eddie.

"Absolutely not!"

"You asked for a sub, we delivered" Dustin said.

"This is Hellfire club not the cheer squad" He rolled his eyes.

"Really? I thought this was by the looks of your hair. What products do you use" You said sarcastically.

He laughs. "Ahh she speaks... Go on then what's your class and level?"

"Level one dwarf" One of the other guys said clearly mocking you.

You laugh in disbelief. "I'm a chaotic good half-elf rouge, level 14" You inform him. "I'll sneak behind any monster you throw my way and stab them in the back with my poison soaked kukri And smile as I watch them die a slow, agonizing death" You continued.

"So am I in? Or should I make by way back to the cheer squad?" You taunt him.

He puts his hand out to shake yours. "Welcome to Hellfire, Y/N"


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