Chapter 5

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And just like that it was the last day of school, you finally finished your art project, cheer was wrapped up and the basketball season was over and all that was left to do was attend school for the last day. You and Eddie were still getting along and your crush on him kept growing, who knew it would only take one game of DnD to start crushing on a guy.

Thankfully it was a half day for you too so you didn't have many lessons today either, your plan was to go to school, go to Robin and Steve's work to rent a movie, then go home order a pizza and watch a film. You planned to invite Eddie round too but you weren't sure of what he was going to say but you thought it would be worth a try asking him.

At around 9 Mike was at your door with Nancy waiting in the car, she always gave you a lift on the last day of school. You grabbed your bag and headed out the door ready for school. You, Eddie, Nancy and Steve were all in the same year at school so sometimes it was handy getting a lift from her and even though you were friends with her younger brother too it didn't stop you from being friends. Her first words to you as you entered the car was.

"How's Eddie?"

You rolled your eyes. You didn't get the chance to tell Mike or Dustin what happened yet but giving he was in the car with you he was about to hear all about it.

You turned around to Mike to give Nancy a hint that you didn't want to talk about it with Mike present.

"Mike put your music on" She said.

"But!" He tried to argue.


He sighed and complied with Nancy.

"So Eddie?"

You blushed a little, even the thought of him made you nervous. "There's nothing to tell, we kissed, flirted a little and that's it" You told her.

"That's it?!" She sounded surprised.

"Well we keep talking about getting pizza together so I might ask him tonight, I don't know though" You were still unsure of the idea.

"No you might not ask him, you are asking him" She said firmly.

It was too early in the morning to argue with Nancy and her persistency so you just sat there and agreed.

"Fine, I'll ask him a lunch" You told her.

"Great" She said just as she pulled into the school.


It was a pretty boring day at school, you didn't really get much done as everyone just wanted to go home. It was break now and you only had one period left before you could go home. You had a headache though and couldn't face sitting in the lunch hall with a bunch of screaming kids so you took off to one of your favourite places in the woods near school, nobody really went there it was normally just a bunch of junkies who'd go there to smoke but thankfully it was just you surrounded by the peace and quiet and a bunch of tree's...

Well that was until you heard a bunch of twigs snapping and loud noises, you weren't to scared by it but it was a little weird considering you were there alone. You looked around to see anyone but no one was there, it was probably just some birds in the bushes or something.

"Hey pompoms" A voice said.

You jumped a little, you turned around and saw Eddie standing there. You hit him playfully.

"Shit Eddie"

He looked apologetic. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you"

"It's fine" You smiled weakly at him as you sat back down at the bench.

He saw in your face that something was wrong, you didn't look your normal self and he almost looked concerned. "Everything alright?" He asked.

"Yeah just a headache" You took a deep breath. "God I can't wait to go home"

"Why don't you just go home now?" He asked. "It's only English next period you won't miss much"

"Yeah but who are you gonna steal notes off of if I'm not there" You joked.

"Who said I'm not coming with you, you still owe me a pizza"

'Pizza, right' You thought, If this was the time to ask Eddie over it would be now and technically it wouldn't seem out of the blue considering he was the one who brought it up. You sat there for a little bit figuring out if missing English was the best idea and whether you could actually sit through a class with a banging headache. You didn't need any convincing to give him your answer, you were hungry, bored and wanted to go home.

"Alright then, I'll buy us a pizza and we can watch a film?" You questioned.

"Pizza and a film?" He repeated. "If I didn't know any better I'd say you were asking me out"

You scoffed, technically you wasn't asking him out on a date but you wouldn't really object to that idea. "No, I'm just taking you up the offer I gave to you last week. So do you want pizza or not?"

"Come on then, lets get out of here" He stood up and waited for you.

You smiled at him and stood up from the bench, you felt a bit light headed but you gathered it was just from the headache. "Have you got a-"

You lost your balance and fell to the ground. Eddie rushed over to you to check you were alright.

"Shit, Y/N. what's up with you?"

He helped you up from the dirt and dusted you down. "It's just a headache I swear"

Something in Eddie didn't believe you but you wouldn't lie to him so he let it slide for now, he offered you his arm so you could walk without falling over and you made your way to the car park.

"I've got a bike, if that's what you were going to ask"

"What? How are we going to get both of us on a bike?" You asked.

Eddie walked you over to a bike and you realised what kind of bike he meant. "Oh a motorcycle"

He grabbed the helmet from the handle bars and put it on your head. "Come on, hold on tight and whatever you do, don't let go" He instructed you as he revved the engine of the bike and drove of from the school.

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