Chapter 13

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You panicked as you realised you'd been thrown into the water, whatever trance Vecna had on you had warn off and you was just floating in the water. You flailed your arms around to get you back up to the surface but there was no use, you were trapped in the water. Since the compass was going crazy on the boat and Vecna's trance was pulling you down you decided to continue to explore to see if you could find a gate.

You felt an arm pulling you away, trying to bring you back up. It was Eddie he was trying to save you. You pushed him away trying to signal to him that there was something down there, you pointed over to the glowing red light in the water. You signalled to him to swim back up and tell the others but he wouldn't budge. You tried your best to plead him but it didn't work he just ended up following you. You both swam over to the light as quickly as you could, as you could both feel the lack of oxygen in your lungs.

There was something inside of it and it made you want to see what it was and if it could lead to the upside down. You tried pleading with Eddie once more to get the others but when you were pulled through the other side of the light it was to late to see whether he went up or not.

*Eddie's POV*

Eddie saw you being pulled down by whatever was trapped in that light and every urge in him wanted to follow you and make sure you were alright, but he knew you were right, he had to swim back up to tell the others. He hesitated for a while longer before swimming back up to the others. He splashed back up to the surface making the others lean to the side to help him up.

"No. There's something down there. It has Y/N" He said worriedly. "I have to go get her but there is a gate" He told them before taking another deep breath and diving down to follow after you.

*Your POV*

You had no idea where you was but from what you guessed you were in the upside down. There was no sign of Eddie so you hoped he went back up to the others.

It was cold, dark and drearier, completely what you expected for the upside down. It was silent though, that was unexpected, you were waiting for something to happen, anything for a sign of life but there was nothing.

"Shit" A voice shouted as you heard a loud thud on the floor.

"Eddie!" You ran over to him to make sure he was alright.

Eddie's eyes lit up when he saw you, he knew you were safe. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into him.

"I thought I lost you" He said as he hugged you tighter.

All the worriedness left your body when you were in Eddie's arms, there was nothing to be scared about anymore, he was there with you and you were both safe. You hugged him tighter not wanting to let go.

"Please tell me you got the others?" You asked.

You question was already answered by Steve clearing his throat. "Of course he-" You ran over to Steve and hugged him too, happy to see him.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

You let go of him and looked at the others. "Yeah, I don't know what happened. Something was pulling me down and I felt this urge to keep looking. I don't know what came over me"

"I do" Eddie said pulling you back into his arms away from Steve. "It was Vecna"

You looked at him as if to say 'Really?' but you knew his possessiveness and protectiveness would not allow him to let you be that close to Steve.

"Come on" Nancy said. "We have to find a way to speak to the others" She added, walking away trying to find some place familiar.

Everyone followed behind her in hopes you'd find some place to hide. Nancy, Robin and Steve where in front and you and Eddie followed on behind. You haven't said much since you arrived as you didn't really see a point in talking but you noticed that Eddie began to looked worried about you.

He didn't say much either, he could tell you wasn't in a talking mood but he did reach for your hand and held it in his to make you feel safe. You looked at him and gave him the best smile you could but you just felt so exhausted from everything that it wasn't even worth trying.

"Thank you" You whispered to him.

You were grateful to Eddie, you really was but you just didn't have the energy to do anything. Eddie raised your hand and placed a soft kiss on your knuckle sending small shivers down your spine.

Eventually you were in the same woods as you were back in the normal world. Eddie found a rock and took the opportunity to climb it to have a better look around of the place.

"So this place is like Hawkins with monsters and nasty shit?"

"Pretty much" Nancy replied.

Eddie seemed satisfied with the answer and begun to climb down from the rock.

"Wait watch out for the vines!" Nancy told him. "It's all a hive mind" She said making Eddie take a few steps back.

"All like a what?" He sounded confused.

"All the creepie crawlies around here they're like one or something. Stepping on a vine, you're stepping on a bat, you're stepping on Vecna" Steve explained.

"Shit" Eddie replied as he carefully watched his steps on the way down.

"But everything from our world is still here right? Except people" Robin questioned.

"That's how I understand it yeah" Nancy answered.

"So theoretically we could go to the police station and steel all the guns and grenades and shit" Robin suggested.

"I doubt the Hawkins police have grenades but we could use with the guns" Steve agreed.

Nancy stood there for a while to think, then she remembered. "Well we don't really need to go all the way down town for some guns. I have guns in my bedroom"

Everyone was in shock and just stared at her.

"You" Eddie jumped down from the rock finally. "Nancy Wheeler, have guns, plural. In your bedroom?" He couldn't quiet believe what he was saying.

"A Russian makarov and a revolver" She said.

"Yeah you almost shot me with that one" Steve added.

Nancy laughed and looked over to him. "And you almost deserved i-"

Nancy was interrupted by the ground shaking, almost like an earthquake. Knocking everyone to the ground. Eddie grabbed hold of you and Robin breaking your fall and Steve held Nancy. You all stayed on the floor waiting for it to be over and when it finally was you all looked round in confusion.

"So guns!" Eddie said. "They seem like a pretty good idea to me"

"Yeah me too" Robin agreed.

You all finally regained your balance and got up off of the ground.

"So what are we waiting for?" Steve said as he began to lead the way to Nancy's house, flashlight in hand.

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