Chapter 7

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Eddie must of left sometime soon after you fell asleep as when you woke up at around 2am he was gone. You didn't remember what woke you up it must of been a nightmare or something. You got up out of bed and found a note that read.

'Thank you for finally buying me that pizza and not letting us watch the God awful film. The door is locked and everything downstairs has been put away. I'll see you at the next DnD game.

It wasn't much but it was still something and he even tidied up downstairs for you which saved you from going back down there for the night. You were still in your clothes though so before you went to sleep again you changed into your pyjamas and took of your make-up and then got into bed for the final time tonight.

You were just about ready to fall asleep when you heard someone pull up outside the house shouting your name and then banging on the door.

"Y/N! Wake up!" The voice shouted. "Y/N!"

You didn't know what was happening but you were scared and with Eddie gone you had no idea what to do, but then you remembered maybe it was Jason with an update on Chrissy maybe they found her? 'Oh God I hope she's alright' You thought to yourself.

"Y/N! Please, wake-up!" The voice shouted again.

You had to go an investigate who was at the door. Still unsure who was at the door you grabbed your baseball bat from the stairs and headed down to the door. You looked through the peep hole before opening it and saw Eddie standing there, terrified, shaking with fear.

You scrambled with the locks and opened it as quickly as you could.

"It's Chrissy!" He said as soon as the door opened.

Your heart dropped, the only noise you could hear was your heart pounded louder and louder. The worry began to set in and you didn't know what to do.

"I...I...I don't know what happened" He said shakily.

"Eddie, what's wrong. Where's Chrissy?" You asked.

"She, she came to mine asking for drugs but then she didn't wake up. I couldn't wake her up!" He said.

"What are you talking about. Come inside. Do you know what time it is?" You had so many questions.

The door slammed and Eddie looked you directly in the eyes and said. "She's dead"

Your face went pale and you felt light headed. "What do you mean she's dead?"

"Oh god, they're going to think I killed her. She's still there Y/N! What do I do?" Whatever happened to Chrissy had clearly terrified the life out of Eddie.

"Hey, look at me. Everything is alright. Come and sit down and tell me what happened" You tried to calm him down like he did to you earlier.

You grabbed Eddie a glass of water and sat down with him on the couch. He explained the whole story to you.

"She was sitting on the doorstep of the caravan when I got back home and asked me for more drugs, she seemed desperate and scared, something didn't seem right. I told her to come in and then she asked me for stronger drugs and that's when she went silent, her body just stood there completely still but her eyes her eyes weren't there it was like she was asleep. I tried to shake her and shout her name but she didn't wake up."

His voice was still shaky as he told you the story.

"And then, her body flew in the air, she was floating, her eyes started bleeding and all her bones snapped. It was like she was possessed by something, she screamed and then it all stopped. Her body dropped to the ground and it all went quiet. She's dead and I don't know what to do. I left her body there and ran."

You began to tear up from the loss of your friend and also from the sight of seeing Eddie so scared. You had no idea what could of caused this but Hawkins has been cursed for years now and there was no doubt that the upside down had something to do with it. But then you thought it couldn't be possible, El closed the gate to the upside down, nothing could escape from there, it was all gone.

You sat there still in shock but tried your best to think of a plan.

"Right Eddie, this is going to sound crazy but something like this has happened in Hawkins before. In the morning I'm going to get Dustin, Nancy, Steve and Robin and try to explain this all to you. But for now I want you to stay here with me and not leave the house. Don't go to the police, don't go to anyone, just stay here with me and everyone else and we'll get it all sorted. I promise okay?" You tried your best to explain to him.

He didn't sound very convinced but then again after what he had just witnessed who would blame him. Nothing right now would probably be making sense to him but you did try your best.

"Eddie I promise, this isn't your fault. You're not going down for this. I promise you"

"Promise?" Was the only word he could say.

You nodded at hug and hugged him tightly. "I know it might be hard but can you try to get some sleep, we're going to need all the rest we can get. We can listen to Black Sabbath upstairs and sleep if you want? Just wake me if you need anything?"

You managed to persuade him to go upstairs with you, he was still in shock, his body was still shaking but he seemed a lot more calmer than what he was when he first arrived. You couldn't imagine what he must be feeling right now but you did have some idea what he's going through as you've witnessed it all before. You and everyone else were sure the gate was closed, Hopper died from the gate closing and El and Will left to start a new life, it was over, everything was over but now it might be happening all over again and you had no idea what to do.

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