Chapter 19

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You all sat in the trailer quietly, all going over the plan in your head. Your first stop was Victor's house where you would drop off Max and Lucas and then it was time to make your way to Eddie's trailer to use the gate to get into the upside down. 

You had already discussed with Steve that you, Dustin and Eddie were decoys and were only there to distract the bats, first sign of trouble and you were out of there, that's what you agreed on and that's what you planned on doing. 

You arrived back at Eddie's trailer and made your way through the gate. Steve was the first one down and rather impressively landed on both feet without hurting himself.

"Ohhh" Robin muttered sarcastically. "What does he want us to do, applaud?"

Steve dragged Eddie's mattress onto the floor so you all had a safe landing mat. "Alright. Let's go" He said as Robin helped boost Nancy up.

Her weapons followed through onto the mattress and then it was Eddie's turn, after Eddie and his weapons landed it was your turn and Eddie ever so kindly help you up from the mat, and last but not least Dustin. The guys pulled him up from the mat and you all immediately left the trailer. 

"Hey guy's listen. If things here start to go south, I mean at all. You abort. Draw the attention to the bats, keep 'em busy for a minute or two. We'll take care of Vecna. Don't be cute or try to be a hero, Okay? You guys are just-"

"Decoys" Dustin interrupted Steve's speech.

"Don't worry, you can be the hero, Steve" You added.

"Absolutely, I mean, look at us. We are not hero's" Eddie said to them all before they began to go their separate ways. 

"Hey Steve. Make him pay" Eddie said to him as Steve, Robin and Nancy made their way to Victor's house in the upside down.

After about thirty minutes all three of you finished protecting the outside of Eddie's trailer with fencing and scrap pieces of metal. You all took a step back and looked at it in all it's glory, no matter how bad the job looked. 

"Not bad" Eddie said

"Not bad at all" Dustin agreed. Both smiling at there work.

"Now for the fun part" You said to Eddie. 

You all made your way back to the trailer into Eddie's room. "Jesus Christ"

You could see the joy on Eddie's face when he saw his guitar hanging up, even Dustin chuckled a little in excitement. 

"It's like... she was destined for an alternate dimension" He said mesmerised.

You cleared your throat, slightly jealous over the fact he seemed more interested in his guitar than his own girlfriend. He turned around instantly. 

"You too, sweetheart"

He went straight back to his guitar, all attention on her. "So what do you say?" He asked you both. "Are you ready for the most metal concert in the history of the world?"

"That a rhetorical question?"  Dustin asked.

Eddie put the guitar on and threw it over his shoulder, in the moment seeing him do that, it was actually quiet hot and you could feel your skin flush as he did so. He cheekily winked at you before saying. 

"Let's do this"


After what felt like ages you finally got the signal from Robin to initiate stage three, which was Eddie's phase, the moment he had been waiting for. 

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