Chapter 3

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It was just you at home so you had the whole house to yourself like always. You took of your vans and Eddie took of his converse and you both headed upstairs to your bedroom, you apologised in advance for the mess but thankfully it wasn't very messy just a few clothes here and there, nothing too bad. You sat down on the bed straight away and began to set up the cassette player on your night stand.

Eddie looked around your room in awe, he was in complete shock from all the band posters around your room and the guitar you had in the corner, he was even impressed by your music taste.

"I umm, I wasn't expecting this" He sat down and joined you on the bed. "I was expecting more"

"My little ponies and cheerleading posters" You said.

"Well, yeah" He was astounded.

"Can't captain of the cheerleading squad appreciate bands like Black Sabbath, AC/DC and Gun's N Rose's?" You asked sarcastically.

"You really like all those bands?" He asked in disbelief.

"I like Fleetwood Mac too but they had no posters of them at the mall when I brought all of these"

"Favourite songs?" He asked, he seemed like he was trying to test you.

"Probably... Paradise City, Out to get me and Highway to Hell. I know they're all basics but they are the best songs"

"I like planet caravan" Eddied added to the list.

"Oh my god yes! I love that song." You told him. "That, that is my favourite song from now on" You laughed

"I don't think I've ever met a girl who likes rock, is a cheerleader and isn't a total bitch" He said "Oh and let alone a girl who plays DnD who is actually good at it" He added.

"Well you better get use to me, I am the new member of the Hellfire Club, but you should play with Lucas's little sister Erica, for an 11 year old she has some really good moves"

Finally after a while of fidgeting with the cassette player you managed to get it working, you had no idea what tape was in there so you just let it play. Funnily enough it was planet caravan and since it was Eddie's favourite you just let it play.

"So when will I be getting a t-shirt" You picked at the material of his shirt.

"You wouldn't be seen dead in one of these" He laughed.

"Uhh hello, captain of the cheerleading squad. I can wear whatever I want" You reminded him.

"Uhh hello, judgey ass boyfriend who will know doubt beat me up for going anywhere near his girlfriend" He mimicked you.

"For the last time. Not my boyfriend, not my type"

"And what exactly is your type?" He asked once again.

You panicked slightly, it's not like you liked Eddie but you could potentially have a small crush on him and if he acts any sweeter then he is right now then it will be a full blown crush by tomorrow afternoon at lunch in the cafeteria.

You sighed. "I don't know, someone who likes me for who I am and not just because I'm head cheerleader, someone who likes the same things as me. Funny, sweet. I just want a nice guy" You admitted. "Oh and guys with tattoo's, I love guys with tattoo's. Jason won't get any I don't know why though, I'm pretty sure he's scared of needles" You added.

Eddied just looked at you and stared, he seemed very interested in what you had to say and for once a guy was actually listening and paying attention to you. He smiled at you once again making you blush ever so slightly.

"And you? Your type?" You were curious to see if you were the tiniest bit of Eddie's type.

"I'd say a girl with a nice smile, someone who has similar interest in music and likes me for me and isn't going to judge me or call me a freak for playing some fantasy game"

Never in a million years did you think you'd be sitting in your room with Eddie Munson having a conversation like this, you had no idea Eddie was even like this, he was nice, different from what you expected.

There was silence for a while which was fine as you were both just listening to the music, you changed the cassette tape to Fleetwood Mac which Eddie didn't seem to mind too much.

"You can have it, if you want" Eddie said.

"What?" You looked at him confused.

"My shirt, I have loads at home and we don't really have any shirts made for women"

"Are you sure? Do you even have a shirt on underneath that?" You asked.

"No I'm going to sit here shirtless" He said sarcastically.

He got up from the bed and took off his denim and leather jacket and then removed the t-shirt. The shirt underneath lifted up giving you the sight of some slightly toned abs and the V-line just below his jeans. You had no idea how toned Eddie was, he's in good shape for someone who doesn't partake in sports.

"Here" He handed you the shirt.

'Shit' You were staring, hopefully he didn't notice.

You grabbed the shirt and quickly went to the bathroom to try it on. And oh my god did it smell amazing the scent of cigarette ash still lingered from the one he lit early and the woody smell from whatever cologne he wore was to die for, you were definitely not washing it anytime soon.

You walked back into you room to show Eddie. "Ta-da" He turned around and looked at you. "What do you think?"

"I think you might need to roll the sleeves a little bit sweetheart"

'Sweetheart!' Your heart fluttered at the name

He walked over to you and helped you roll the sleeves so they weren't dangling over your hands.

"I think we have a new member of the hellfire club" He added.

You looked at Eddie and smiled, you were so grateful he let you play DnD with you tonight, it was the most fun you'd had in ages. You both got lost into each others eyes for a while as the music played in the background creating the perfect scene. You don't know what came over you but you got the sudden urge to kiss him. I mean what could go wrong? You could completely miss read the signal and realise he doesn't like you or it could be the best kiss you've had in a while.

'fuck it' you said to yourself.

Wrapping your arms around Eddie's neck and standing on your tip toes you placed a soft kiss on his lips. You didn't really know how you felt about and to be honest you were a tad bit embarrassed that nothing happened but then Eddie pulled you back into the kiss, deeper this time. Your lips lingered for a while before pulling away, bright pink cheeks.

"Ummm" You didn't really know what to say.

"Better not tell Jason" He joked.

"Oh shut-up" You pushed him playfully. "I know it's late but do you maybe want to order a pizza?" You ask.

Eddie looked over to the clock and saw the time. "Nah I better get going, thanks though"

He picked up his jackets and you walked him downstairs to the door. You didn't really know how to greet him goodbye, you didn't want to fist bump as that felt too weird and you couldn't kiss again as that was more of the in the moment kind of thing, so you panicked and hugged him, which was weird even for you.

Eddie didn't question it, he laughed a little and just hugged you back. "See you later pom poms" he said as he walked down the pathway.

"Bye!" You waved him goodbye once again.

You went to go lock the door but then you heard a voice. "Feeling better I see?" Someone said from around the corner.

You poked your head round the door and saw Jason.

"Jason!" 'shit' you thought to yourself, what a great way to end your night.


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