Extra: Things That Just Make Sense

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Synopsis: Things About The Magical Hero Family That Just Makes Sense

-Effy randomly braids Wanda's hair a lot :
Whenever Wanda has a bad day she'll go and find Effy and sit next to her with her head in the younger girls lap. An every time without fail Effy will drop whatever she's doing and softly run her fingers through Wanda hair, braiding it in intricate patterns

-Everyone Knows Effy Killed Skip:
No one really knows how they know she did it but they know. It just became an unspoken agreement that no one ever brings it up.

-Family Dinners:
Three times a month everyone gathers at one of the compounds, the burrow, or Ron an Effy's for a potluck style family dinner. It's a way to catch up and to just remind each other that they aren't alone anymore and they all made it out.

-Gym Time(Peter/Pietro):
Whenever Pietro is stressed he runs on the treadmill as fast as he can, often breaking them but nonetheless, Peter will wonder into the gym and sit by him as he tells the older boy about his day or a movie they should watch together

-Not doing things alone:
If anyone ever wants to do something (going to the movies/taking an art class/going to the store) but they didn't want to do it alone, Thor, Luna, or Loki will always go. While Loki may pretend they're not interested they actually love being included and learning new things.

-Pizza and a movie:
The first Saturday of the month, everyone knows not to bother Kate, Shuri, Wanda, Effy, America, Pietro, or Peter as they can always be found sitting on the floor surrounded by pizza boxes and snacks staring at a TV. No one knows how this started, not even them.

-Saying bye:
Whenever anyone comes to visit the compound, if you're leaving, even if it's just for a minute. You absolutely positively can not leave without saying goodbye to Peter, Pietro, Wanda, and Effy. You also have to make sure they heard you. They won't ask where you're going but they will ask that you let them know you made it there safely

Because most, if not all of the Avengers never experienced a real family Christmas, they decided that every year they would add some new tradition to the list. So far it's ice skating, snowball fights, sledding, movies and hot chocolate, watching the sunrise on Christmas morning, and decorating cookies. December is everyone's favorite part of the year

Sometimes Effy will feel overwhelmed and she won't want to be around anyone, but she wants to know someone is there. So Draco, Hermione, Loki, Peter, Wanda, or Pietro with sit next to her with their pinkies locked while they watch a movie.

-Pride Parades:
Every June a plan is made to attend as many pride parades as possible and give out free (Mom/Sister/Brother/Dad/Uncle/Aunt) hugs all day. Of course Bucky and Sam usually make a competition to see who can hug the most people and the group almost always loses one or more of the young avengers.

-The New Spell:
When Strange made the new spell to make everyone forget Peter he purposely left Persefoni out because he knew she would be able to restore the teams memory of him when he came back.

-Late Nights:
Whenever Effy, Bucky, Loki, and Wanda can't sleep at night no matter where they are in the world they go to the kitchen and make some hot chocolate. Then they set up a video call and talk about their days while eating cookies until sunrise. More often then not someone with find them asleep on the kitchen floor hours later

-Check In's:
Every night you have to text one of the group chats 'Good night' just so everyone knows you made it home safely. Everyone worries about everyone

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