Dustin's Plan

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A/n: okay if y'all like how I write Eddie PLS let me know!! I think Eddie got a little ooc at the end but oh well. Also, the timeline in this does not match up with the timeline of season 4, it kinda does but not really.

Warnings: swearing I guess.

Word Count: 1.5k+

A/n pt 2: so reader and Eddie are the same age in this. It's just that reader graduated and it was implied that Eddie has been a senior for like 2/3 years so he'd be like 20 or 21-ish if my math is right.


Your best friend had asked you to take her to school, you also took your neighbor, Dustin, to school too. You didn't mind actually you really liked riding around with them in the mornings. They were easily your 2 best friends.

Usually when you dropped your friends off Robin would get out first and then Mike would approach your car and wave to you while Dustin thanked you and got out.

Today was different though. Robin was sick so she wasn't going to school so, that meant Dustin got to sit up front. When you pulled up to Hawkins High, it wasn't Mike that knocked on your passenger window, instead it was the town's super senior Eddie Munson. Eddie was supposed to graduate the year before you. You actually had a few classes with him during your senior year and you were kinda friends with him but, you always hoped that one day you'd be more than just kinda friends. You always thought they were one sided but, Robin was certain they weren't and tried to reassure you many times but, you never believed her.

Dustin rolled his window down so he could talk to Eddie. They were wearing their matching Hellfire shirts. Eddie had failed to notice you and you were honestly kinda grateful.

"Henderson, it's Hellfire night. You better find Sinclair and tell him." Eddie looked up from Dustin's face and he finally saw you.

"Oh shit, Hey Y/N. H-how are you?" Eddie seemed to stumble over his words a bit.

"I'm good, Eddie. It's been awhile." You tucked a piece of hair behind your ear in an attempt to calm yourself down. You had forgotten the effect that Eddie had on you. Seeing him now caused your face to flush.

Dustin was confused by this interaction that he was literally caught in the middle of. He had never seen Eddie act like this around anyone. He had seen you act like this plenty of times. He could you were nervous around Eddie just like when you met Steve for the first time and you were nervous around him. But, this didn't seem like the first time you met Eddie, in fact he was pretty sure he heard some of the other Hellfire guys talk about you now that he was thinking about it.

So why were you so nervous around Eddie? Dustin didn't get to ask you his question because the bell rang and he rushed out of your car.

Dustin had told Mike about the interaction between you and Eddie this morning. Mike was shocked about the way Eddie acted. He wasn't sure if he could believe Dustin.

Once again, Mike and Dustin needed someone to fill in for Lucas. Dustin had a plan brewing in the back of his mind and he immediately called you while you were working.

"Thank you for calling Family Video, I'm Y/n. How can I help you today?" You smiled into the phone even though the person on the other end of the line couldn't see you.

"Ew. Y/n, is that your phone voice? It's weird." You smile immediately fell as you heard Dustin's voice.

"Dustin? Why are you calling me while you're at school? Is everything okay? Do I need to come get you?" You felt annoyed but then you  started to panic.

Eddie Munson imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now