Accidental Confessions

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Word Count: 1.6k

Warnings: swearing, drug use, kissing, and I think that's it!

A/n: hey guys, sorry I've been away. I wrote this pretty quick so idk if it's good or not. It was inspired by the song linked above which I love :)

Reader's pronouns: I don't think I used any :)


In Hawkins, Indiana the winters seemed to last longer than the summers or springs. So, when it finally became warmer in the middle of May, everyone would dust off their shorts and the pool would be open to the public.

When you were younger and you were the new kid around the trailer park, you and Eddie gravitated toward each other. There weren't many kids in trailer park when you moved in so, when you first saw him with his buzz cut, taking out trash, you walked over to him immediately. You had begged him to go on a bike ride with you. You told him that you were 'so bored that you might actually die.'

Eddie had been startled by you and quickly went back inside and asked Wayne if he could go play with his new friend. Wayne took one look at you and smiled to himself as he agreed for Eddie to go with you. You sped off with Eddie following closely behind you.

You did it so often when you were kids that it was till something you did now as 20 year olds. Not as often as you would have like but, that's what happens as you get older, you grow up and things change. Some things stay the same though, just hidden.

Everyone who knew Eddie knew he was your best friend. Some of your other friends, mainly Garett and Dustin, speculated that there might be something going on between the two of you. The both of you would always deny it if anything was mentioned but, all Eddie could was hope that eventually there would be something going on.

He was 17 when he actually realized he was in love with you. It was after a bike ride, you guys had rode to this old picnic table in the woods and you had gotten high. You were laughing at something he had said, he didn't know or care what it was because all that matter was that he made you laugh. He always knew he liked you, he didn't know that he actually loved you until that day.

You had gotten a boyfriend later that year. You seemed so happy and it would've been unfair to you if he had told you how he felt so, he pushed his feelings away for awhile. You ended up breaking up with your boyfriend after 3 months, you didn't really tell Eddie why but, unbeknownst to him Robin knew why and she freaked out.

"What do you mean you broke up with Josh?" She grunted.

"I mean exactly that, Robs." You shrugged your shoulders nonchalantly.

"Why? I thought we liked Josh?" Robin whined once more as she stood in front of you.

"I didn't, we'll I guess I thought I did but, I don't!" You argued against from your seated position on her couch.

"Can you at least tell me why?" She furrowed her eyebrow at you.

"I just felt awful about dating him since I like Eddie." You bit your bottom lip as you realized you had said his name.

"You, you like Eddie?" You nodded at her quickly.

"Oh my gosh, Y/n, this is great news!" She squealed.

"It is..?" You looked her in confusion.

"Yes because Eddie totally has a thing for you and now you can tell him!" She clapped her hands together happily as she joined you on the couch.

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