French Fries

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Word Count: just barely over 1k
Warnings: none I think
A/N: not proofread at all i thought about this just now and I wanted to post it before I went to bed :)


You and Eddie met in kindergarten. You had become best friends instantly, you were both quirky kids who didn't necessarily fit in with the rest of the class. As you both grew older, you got closer. You were each other's dance partners at the snowball every year, once your brother got old enough you and Eddie would volunteer to chaperone. You liked the nostalgia of attending the snowball as a chaperone and you liked being able to keep an eye on your brother. Eddie liked keeping you company, making you laugh was one of his favorite things to do and he like seeing you all dressed up.

Eddie was your date to most of your high school dances as well. You weren't interested in most of the boys at Hawkins High, most of them were annoying, some were trying to use you to get to your sister, they just didn't seem to be worth your time. Throughout your time as Eddie's best friend, you noticed he didn't change when you guys got to high school. He wasn't like the other guys at Hawkins. He wasn't douchey or arrogant like Jason or even creepy like Keith and his friends, he was just Eddie and that's what you liked best about him.

Now you were sat on your couch in the living room waiting impatiently for Eddie to pick you up. Eddie came over frequently, after all you were best friends but, your mother always thought there was something more there much to your father's distaste.

Eddie pulled up to your house and honked his horn twice to let you know you that he had arrived. You said goodbye to your parents and you ran out the door. Your mom let out a small giggle at your excitement and your dad shook his head as he flipped the pages of the newspaper.

Every Saturday, you and Eddie would get lunch at Benny's. He would get a burger and you would get a BLT then Eddie would order fries for your table. The older waitresses always loved when you guys came in, they liked watching how oblivious you two were when the feelings were clearly there.

You and Eddie were sat talking about everything that had been going on since last time you saw each other which was only 2 days ago but during those 2 days Keith had asked you out twice, Eddie's D&D campaign had started, and his band put on a concert and you even went on a date, not with Keith.

"I honestly don't know why Keith thinks that every girl that walks into Family Video wants to date him. It's gross." You scrunched your nose in disgust. Eddie laughed as you recalled the memory.

"Were his fingers covered in Cheeto dust this time?" Eddie laughed again.

"I'm pretty sure it's like permanently etched into his skin." You shuddered for dramatic effect. This time it was Eddie's turn to scrunch his nose in disgust.

"So, how did your date go? Was he your dream boy?" Eddie wiggled his eyebrows at you as he ate another fry.

"It was fine, nothing too exciting, ya know? I mean he's cute or whatever but, I'm just not interested in him." You picked at your sandwich. There was only one boy that you were interested in and he was currently sitting across from you.

"Have you ever thought about dating, Eddie? I mean I haven't heard you talk about a girl that you like in forever." You did have a point, he hadn't been on a date in quite sometime but, what you didn't know was that he had actually crushing on you for as long as he could remember. He shook his head, he desperately wanted to change the subject.

"Have you ever thought about, ya know, maybe giving us a chance? I mean like probably not right? Because you're the prettiest girl in all of Hawkins and I'm just the freak of Hawkins so, like of course not right? Why would you of all people want-" You couldn't take anymore of his rambling so leaned over the table and placed a gentle kiss on his lips. You understandably so, shocked Eddie to his core. So when you pulled back and sat down, his eyes were wide open. You could hear snickering coming from the older waitresses as they watched the both of you.

"You! You just kissed me!" Eddie pointed an accusatory finger at you as you giggled.

"I know. I was there." Eddie still looked shocked, he still couldn't believe what just happened.

"Was it- was it nice? Like, did you have a good time?" You furrowed your eyebrows.

"Did I have a good time?" You laughed as Eddie huffed. 

"You know what I mean, Y/n! Did you enjoy it?" Eddie looked at you nervously.

"I don't know, I think you were too shocked to do anything, so maybe we should try again." You shrugged your shoulders as you smirked at him from your seat. Eddie nodded quickly as he made his way to your side of the table.

Eddie looked down at your lips before he leaned in. The kiss was slow and gentle yet, deep and meaningful. His tongue swiped against your bottom lip but, to avoid having a full make out session in the middle of the day in an empty diner, you pulled away.

"Wow" Eddie said as he looked at you, your lips were swollen slightly and your cheeks were flushed.

"Yeah, wow." That was all you could say.

"Did you enjoy it?" Eddie was scratching the back of his neck, nerves were written all over his face.

"You tasted like fries but, yes. I enjoyed it a lot actually. We should definitely do that again sometime. I think it would be a good idea." You nodded quickly as you spoke causing Eddie to chuckle.

"Well, let's get out of here." Eddie placed money on the table and held your hand as you got out of your seat. He lead you out of the diner and to his van. There would definitely be more kisses to come.

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