
19K 349 264

Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: mentions of drinking, being drunk, swearing, kissing
A/n: takes place as if the ending of S4 part 1 didn't happen and everything and everyone is fine lol.


You were having a "We survived!" Party at your house with everyone. You bought snacks, soda for the kids, and alcohol for everyone else. Steve, Robin, Nancy and Jonathan had shown up early along with the rest of the kids. You couldn't help but, peak the curtains to see if Eddie's van had pulled up yet.

You had a huge crush on the boy. It seemed unrequited at the moment but, Dustin and Mike told you otherwise. They swore to you that you were the topic of many conversations with them. That he had even asked Dustin what your favorite color was.

You could hear his tires squealing as he pulled into your neighborhood, you heard his car door slam and you jumped up off your couch, slightly bumping the coffee table Dustin and Max were using to play Scrabble on.

"Watch out, Y/n!" Dustin scoffed at you as he readjusted his pieces. Max just laughed him off as you ignored him.

"Eddie probably just got here, Dustybuns. You know how she gets around Eddie." Max smirked at Dustin as she watched you roll your eyes.

"I'm sorry, is it wrong that I'm excited that my friend is here?" You put a hand to chest in mock offense.

"Well no but, it's like whenever you're around each other, there's like sexual tension in the air. I wish you would just tell him but, for some reason you refuse." Robin shrugged her shoulders as she reached for her drink.

"There's no sexual tension between Eddie and I because, we don't like each other like that. We're friends. That's it." You threw your hands up in defense.

"We all know that's not true, Y/n. It's obvious that you and Eddie like each other but, you're both too scared to admit it." Steve said as he shoved chips in his mouth. Before you could respond there was a knock on your door. Taking a deep breath, you opened the door.

"Eddie! You're here!" You stepped aside to let him.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world, princess." Eddie walked passed you, giving you a subtle wink. You felt your cheeks flush.

The party went smoothly, all the kids went home around 9 and everyone else stayed. You had made yourself comfortable on the end of the couch. You weren't talking to anyone, you were kinda just off in your own world. You felt the couch dip and you looked to your side to see Eddie sitting next to you. You guys started a conversation. Steve claimed he was bored and suggested a drinking game of Never Have I Ever and an hour or so later you were drunk. You were tipsy before and now you were fully drunk.

You weren't the only one either Robin and Eddie were both pretty wasted as well. Robin had joined you in the middle of the living as you danced to the random record that was playing. Steve decided to take Robin home after he had witnessed her sing off key to Elton John for 30 minutes. Jonathan and Nancy left after them, leaving you and Eddie alone in your living room.

Eddie scooted closer to you. You couldn't take your eyes off him. He was so close, you weren't sure if you'd ever been this close to him before. You could smell the scent of a cheap cologne and cigarettes mixing together and for some reason it was intoxicating. You looked at his lips briefly and the back to his eyes. Eddie seemed to notice, he took it as invitation to kiss you.

It was just a short peck at first but the feeling of his lips left you wanting more. You pulled his face closer to yours and looked up in his eyes silently asking if it was okay. He answered by kissing you. This time it was deeper and hungrier. Like all the sexual tension that had been building up between the two of you was finally being released into the heated make out session you were currently having in the middle of your living room.

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