Robin's Friend

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Word Count: 1.8k

Warnings: mentions of drinking, kissing, and I think swearing

A/n: I've returned to post this one. Maybe I'll be back, maybe I won't post for another year.

She/her pronouns used


"Guys! I figured out what I want to do for my graduation party!" Robin ran excitedly into Family Video. She had been trying to figure out what to do for her party for the last month. Eddie and Steve had been waiting for her to come in for her shift when she ran in.

"Okay, are you gonna tell us?" Steve replied sarcastically as he organized the horror movie section. She rolled her eyes at him before continuing to speak.

"There's this cool club in the next town over that I wanna check out." Eddie and Steve raised their eyebrows at her.

"You want to go to a club?" Eddie tried not to sound wary of her idea.

"Yeah, that's what I just said." She answered as if he had asked a dumb question.

"No offense Robin but, you don't seem like the kind of girl who would want to go to a club." Steve cringed as he tried to say what he had just said as nicely as possible.

"I know, I know but, just hear me out. I've never been to a high school party, cool people don't invite band people to parties." She huffed.

"Okay, then let's go to the club. Who did you invite?" Eddie felt empathetic towards Robin, he knew exactly where she was coming from.

"Well, you guys are invited, obviously. I've also invited Nancy, Jonathan, Argyle, and my friend Y/n! She's so excited to finally meet you guys!" Eddie was vaguely aware of who Y/n was. She graduated the year he was supposed to, he never really knew the girl but, from what he remembered she always seemed nice.

"Alright, so when do we get to meet her?" Steve seemed excited at the mention of a new girl for him to flirt with.

"Friday, we're gonna leave here at around 8, Y/n's gonna stay at my house so, if one of you guys could pick us up that would be rad." Robin gave the two boys awkward finger guns and she went to the back of the store.

When Friday night came, Eddie and Steve had played rock, paper, scissors to see who would drive. Steve wanted Eddie to drive so that he could sit in the back and get to know Y/n better, Eddie just didn't want to drive, Steve could be the worst backseat driver and he just didn't want to deal with it. But, of course Eddie ended up losing so he drove.

Robin and you had been getting for the last hour, you wanted her to look her absolute best in case she happened to meet a cute girl. You wanted to look your absolute best when you met her friends. She had been telling you about Eddie and Steve for about a year now, when you got to her house she had shown you Polaroids of her and her new friends.

You moved away from Hawkins after you graduated high school, you left for college and you only came home for special occasions, like your best friend's 18th birthday.

"Oh my god, you look so good, Robs!" You stepped back as you looked at her.

"Thanks, Y/n but, look at you! The guys are gonna be drooling all over you!" You shoved her playfully as you rolled your eyes at her.

"You know that's not why I'm here. I'm here for you! The cute boys that you're friends with are just a bonus." You shrugged your shoulders and grabbed your bag to start heading towards her living room.

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