Dustin's Living Room

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Warnings: swearing I think, and idk kissing? This is pretty chill.

I'm pretty sure no pronouns were used.


It was against the 'rules' to write down your name onto your own skin, ask other people if they knew who your soulmate was or having other people tell you who it is so was communicating with your soulmate but, everything else was pretty much free game. Eddie didn't know who his soulmate was but, whoever they were, they were very busy.

Eddie could tell that you had an awful habit of writing on your hands. You would write little reminders of stuff you needed to do, places you needed to be or shopping lists. Ever since he turned 16, he had been watching for little marks to appear on his skin.

When the first one showed up, he was so excited that he ran to show Wayne. Wayne smiled at the boy who was celebrating his soulmates words.

Melvald's list

He didn't think he could be so happy to see a grocery list appear on his pale skin. He wrote something down, sort of as a response.


Technically he wasn't communicating so it should work. He obviously wouldn't know if it worked or not since he had no clue who you were.

He got the impression that you were a busy person very early on. It seemed as though you babysat for all of Hawkins, you did tutoring sessions at the library almost everyday. You always wrote down times and what you were doing. 'Tutoring-4:30' or 'Babysitting-7' were the ones that showed up most often.

Eddie never felt the urge to write anything down on his own skin. He would get random pen marks on his hands from taking notes in class or from flipping his pen around when he got bored. You probably never noticed them due to the amount of ink littered your hands.

Eddie couldn't have been more wrong. When you watched that first smiley face appear on your hand after writing down your shopping list on your hand, you freaked out. You had called your best friend, Robin Buckley, who freaked out with you. It was hard to focus on your shopping after that.

Your soulmate didn't seem to have the same habit as you did. Before your soulmate's response, you write down everything important on your hands. You did it without even thinking and then Robin would sometimes remind you that your soulmate would also be inked with 'buy new socks' on their hand, you would end up feeling slightly bad about it.

You didn't feel as bad when your soulmate got a few tattoos, the first two appeared on your chest below your collar bone. Those were easier to hide from your parents, then the ones on your right arm showed up and when your parents noticed they weren't happy about it but, there wasn't anything they could do or say about it.

You walked into Family Video to visit your best friend and Steve. You had graduated high school with Steve but since he was a giant prick until the end of senior year, you pretty much steered clear of him. He was better now, you would consider him an acquaintance more than a friend.

"Nice tats, Y/n." Steve snickered as you pulled the collar of your shirt up to cover them. Steve was aware of the tattoo situation, he over heard you complaining about it to Robin when the first one showed up. You flipped Steve off in response and made your way to the back where you were sure Robin was. You found her reading a magazine with her feet propped up on the table.

"Robin, he got another one." Robin placed her magazine on the table and gestured with her hands for you to show her. You rolled up your sleeve and showed her the bats that were on your forearm.

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