Just Let It Happen

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Eddie Munson x Henderson!reader

Word Count: 2.1k

Warnings: mentions of mind flayer possessed Billy, illusions to trauma, swearing

A/n: protective Dustybun and sympathetic Mike. Literally don't know how to feel about this one 🥴

You weren't the one who usually picked Dustin up from his DnD club. In fact you weren't supposed to. He was going to bike home but, then it started raining and your mom begged you to pick him and Mike up. You didn't mind, honestly, you loved your brother and you were glad Mike was still hanging around. Apparently Lucas joined the basketball team and it was causing a rift between the trio.

You saw Dustin and Mike start walking out of the school. They were followed by 3 other boys, one of which you recognized as Eddie Munson. You knew Eddie hadn't graduated yet, he was actually supposed to graduate with you, you did not know that he was the leader of Dustin's club. You leaned over and rolled your window down trying to get the attention of the two teens.

"Hey! Boys! I'm taking you home, hurry!" You tried to yell over the sound of the pouring rain. Eddie looked toward where your voice was coming from, the lamp post that hung over your car illuminated your features and Eddie recognized you instantly.

"Why is Y/n picking you guys up? She your babysitter or something?" Eddie snorted as the thought of the two freshmen needing a babysitter entered his head. Dustin didn't think it was all that funny as he rolled his eyes at Eddie.

"Ugh, no. She's my sister, you idiot." Dustin turned his head back toward your car. You rolled the window back up to avoid getting any water in your car. Eddie quirked his eyebrow at Dustin's statement. Dustin caught on quickly.

"Don't even think about it, Munson." Eddie was caught off guard. All he did was look towards you, what Dustin didn't know was that memories of soft touches and shared laughs during biology entered his mind. He remembered how he made you laugh on the first day of the semester and how your laugh was the best sound he had ever heard.

"I wasn't thinking about anything, Henderson." Dustin rolled his eyes again as he scoffed.

"Shocker. But, seriously, no. Do not think about my sister in like any capacity." Dustin and Mike headed towards your car. Dustin tried to sit in the front but, you obviously said something to him because, Mike pushed him to the side and Dustin went to sit in the back. Eddie chuckled at this as he watched you drive away.

"How do you know Eddie?" Dustin said as he buckled his seatbelt, he was obviously very annoyed, his tone of voice gave it away. He's been having a serious attitude problem lately.

"Oh, he was supposed to graduate with me and I think we had a couple of classes together." You shrugged your shoulders, then you narrowed your eyes and furrowed your brow.

"Wait. Why do you wanna know and why do you care?" Dustin was pouting slightly in the back.

"No reason. He asked if you were our babysitter and he seemed surprised when I said that you're actually my sister." Dustin tried to act like he wasn't bothered by it but, it was obvious to you and Mike that he was very bothered by the fact that Eddie Munson was asking about you.

It wasn't like Dustin to be protective over you. He knew that you could handle your own and that you were capable of standing up for yourself. He had seen it happen multiple times, when Steve started flirting with you last year at the Star Court mall, you hit him back with sarcastic remarks and annoyed looks. You even told Robin to add another tally to the 'You Suck' side of the board which, she did happily.

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