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Word Count: 979

A/n: not proofread just something short and sweet.

Warnings: I truly don't think there's any

Steve was so annoyed with how much Dustin mentioned Eddie. At first it was fine, ya know, it was like cool the twerp has a new friend and he wouldn't have to worry about Dustin at school. But, then you started talking about a guy from your English class that sounded too much like Eddie. You wouldn't give him a name but, from what he remembered about Eddie and from what you and Dustin had told him, he definitely sorta knew that you were friends with Eddie.

You were walking down the hallway towards your locker to gather your stuff to go to your favorite class of the day, English. Suddenly your locker slammed shut, causing you to yelp.

"Jesus, Eddie! You scared the shit out of me!" You punched his shoulder playfully and he laughed at you.

"Sorry, sweets." Eddie continued to laugh at your annoyance. As far as anyone else knew you and Eddie were just friends, best friends even but, you guys had been sneaking around for awhile now. Keeping it from pretty much everyone especially Dustin Henderson and your brother. You knew if you could keep it from Dustin then you could definitely keep it from Steve.

The first time you met Eddie was when he was going through his senior year the first time. You were a sophomore and you just happened to have the same free period as you. You spent your time in the library doing as much homework as you could for the hour. You were usually the only one in there, aside from the mean librarian, you couldn't help but notice the boy that had strolled in. His long dark hair and the smile he gave the librarian who seemed unimpressed with the boy seemed to grab your attention. Even though there were 3 empty tables, he still came and sat by you. Usually you would've been annoyed but, he was cute so you let it slide.

It went on like that for about a month before he finally introduced himself to you. After you told him your name he invited you to watch his band play at some bar in town. You happily agreed and that was the moment you became best friends with Eddie Munson.

Now 2 years later, you were a senior and Eddie was repeating his senior year for the second and hopefully last time. You guys were dating now. Your first date was a late night picnic in the woods. You'll never forget what Eddie said to you that as you both laid on top of the table and looked at the sky.

"Do you think the moon gets jealous of how pretty you are?" Your features softened as you looked at Eddie with admiration in your eyes. You knew he would be the one for you.

That was 6 months ago. Now, you and Eddie decided that you wouldn't tell anyone just yet. He wanted to wait until he finally graduated and you wanted to find some way to get Steve used to the idea of Eddie. You had began talking about him more and he even came over once or twice. Steve had a feeling that there was something going on between the two of you but, he was scared to approach the topic. Maybe it truly was an innocent friendship like Robin and him had.

Maybe it wasn't though, at least not on Eddie's end of things. He saw the way he looked at you, it was the same way he used to look at Nancy and Robin that one time. What he didn't see was that you reciprocated the look.

Eddie had visited Family Video and rented a few movies, Nightmare on El Street and The Breakfast Club. Steve happened to be working when Eddie decided to stop by. He had been civil towards Eddie and even attempted to make small talk by asking Eddie what his plans were that night and then Eddie mentioned that it was Friday so that meant movie night with you. Steve didn't make anymore small talk after that.

When Eddie finally got to your house, you pulled him in your house and kissed him.

"Sorry I'm late, sweetheart." He replied before he reached his hands around his waist.

"It's fine. You're here now that's all that matters." You smiled up at him and led him to your living room. You had popcorn and soda placed on the coffee table and blankets were on the sofa.

You and Eddie had taken advantage of Steve being at work and you cuddled on the couch. Steve wasn't going to be home for another 2 hours which meant you plenty of time to spend wrapped up in blankets with Eddie before your brother came home and you would have to separate.

You did not anticipate you and Eddie falling asleep half way through the movie. So when Steve came home he called out your name but, you didn't answer. He knew you were still home and he knew that Eddie was still there, his van was in Steve's spot in the driveway. He heard the movie still playing in the living room maybe, that's why you didn't answer.

Thats when he saw you laying on the couch and laying on top of you you. Your hands were wrapped around him with a blanket on top of both you. He could hear light snores coming from you, at least he assumed it was you.

It was in that instance that all his protective brother attitude dissipated. He saw how comfortable you were with Eddie, he saw the peace and calmness that was all over your features as you slept. After all the shit with the upside down, that's all he wanted, he just wanted you to be safe and he knew that when you were with Eddie, you were safe.

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