
5.4K 132 34

Word Count: 2.7k

Warnings: swearing, messy timeline and steve feels slightly ooc to me and I honestly think that's it tbh

A/n: I was listening to Bad Habit by Steve Lacy while writing this and that influenced this fic.

She/her pronouns used



You were working the counter at Scoops, with Steve. Well, to Eddie it didn't look like Steve was working at all. He was so obviously flirting with you and it seemed to be working. He sat at one of the booths with Dustin.

Dustin dragged him to the mall under the guise of checking out a new store that sold D&D stuff. Instead the store was a bust, and now Dustin had managed to get him to pay for his ice cream.

Eddie's jaw was clenched as he watched Steve tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. He couldn't see the blush that crept up on your cheeks but, he knew you were flustered by the way you took a small step back.

"You could just ask her out ya know?" Eddie's head snapped towards Dustin.

"What are you talking about, Henderson?" Eddie feigned confusion but, he could tell that Dustin didn't believe him.

"Y/n, you could ask her out, instead of glaring at Steve while he flirts with her." Dustin shoved more ice cream in his mouth, some dripped onto his chin, Eddie handed him napkins.

"I can't just do that. It's not that simple." Eddie shook his head and started playing with the rings that adorned his fingers.

"It really is though-" Eddie interrupted him before he could continue.

"What do you know? You're just a kid, Henderson. I mean, are you even seeing what I'm seeing?" He pointed a finger at you and Steve, you seemed to have moved closer to him and now you were placing a hand on his arm.

"She liked you or maybe she still does, but, what do I know, I'm just a kid. Anyway she has feelings for you, you have feelings for her. Steve also obviously has feelings for her so I think you should just ask her out before Steve does." Eddie nervously chewed on the side of his thumb, his eyes flicked back and forth between you, his best friend, and Steve.
He nodded wordlessly, silently agreeing with the boy in front of him.

Eddie and you were hanging out the next day. You asked him to help you pick out some new records at the Music Store in town. He had a hard time saying no to you so he agreed. He kept handing you records he thought you would like and showing you some made by his favorite bands.

You talked quietly, being the only two people in the store besides the cashier. After checking out, you invited him back to your place to listen to all the new music you bought. Of course Eddie agreed, he followed you upstairs to your room. He looked around noticing that you took down your The Outsiders poster and put up a Risky Business poster in it's place.

You put on the album Songs from the Big Chair by Tears for Fears and sat on your bed. Eddie made himself comfortable on your bed. It felt like pure bliss to Eddie, even if he didn't care for the music you picked, you laid beside him and hummed along to the music. Eddie thought this was a good as time as any to finally ask you out.

"What are you doing this weekend?" Eddie quirked up his eyebrow, even though you couldn't see his face.

"I have a date this weekend but, if you wanna hang out we can do that after?" Eddie sat up on your bed and you sat up with him, sitting crisscross.

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