Remembering You

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Word Count: 2.3k

Warnings: mentions of s4 stuff, not eating, death, grief, slight swearing, crying, allusions to not breathing, let me know if I missed anything!!!

A/n: I've been reading a hella sad book and listening to hella sad music so all of that kinda inspired this. I kinda hate the ending tbh.

Henderson!Reader, They/them pronouns used.

You were waiting for Eddie at the hospital. You had arrived with Erica since Lucas had rode in the ambulance with Max. You paced back and forth in the waiting room, you were waiting to see your friends and brother walk through the hospital doors with your boyfriend. They never came. It wasn't until the next day, after the 'earthquake', that you had been told the horrible news.

"Y/n, Eddie's gone. He, he tried to buy us more time but, the fucking bats got him!" Dustin wiped away the tears that escaped eyes harshly.

Your breath hitched in your throat, you wanted to say something but you couldn't get any words to come out. You felt like you were going to collapse. You stumbled a little bit and then felt arms wrap around you to hold you steady. Looking up you saw Steve, you didn't realize he was even with you and Dustin.

The funeral happened 2 weeks later, it was delayed because the police couldn't find his body, Dr. Owens had to send his team in the upside down to get him. You tried to help Wayne but, it was so unbelievably hard. You would both speak, you weren't exactly expecting a huge crowd since he was currently hated by the entire town.

It was a bleak day, it seemed fitting. Only a few friends and family were there. It couldn't have been more than 30 people. Wayne stood up and gave his eulogy, you tried to listen but as you did you couldn't stop crying. Wayne walked back to his seat next to you, the priest introduced you next.

"Eddie Munson, only got 20 years on this Earth when he deserved much, much more. He was the love of my life, my best friend and my soulmate. If you knew him, you knew how charming he was. He could command everyone's attention in a matter of seconds.

When I met him, we were both juniors in high school, he had just finished giving a speech in the cafeteria about how societal norms were meant to be broken. I remember staring at him in complete awe of his confidence. We ended up having 3 classes together during that year and we became fast friends.

Then when we were seniors, my date for homecoming bailed on me and as I cried into the phone to Eddie he hung up on me, which made me cry more but, I was quickly relieved when I opened my front door 10 minutes later dressed in his Sunday best with some flowers that he took from my neighbor's yard. That's when I knew that he was my soulmate.

Unfortunately we didn't have as much time together as we should've. He was taken way too soon. He should be graduating and playing venues with Corroded Coffin, him and I had big plans for our future that I'll never get see happen. My heart aches for him. I love Eddie Munson, with my everything. Maybe in another life, I'll see him again and we can live out the fantastic love story that we were meant to have."
You wiped away tears with your sleeve and sat down.

You didn't talk to anyone for days after the funeral, if you did you snapped at them and lashed out. Wayne had called your home, you let Dustin pick up the phone, he told him that you were welcome to come by his house and get anything of Eddie's that you wanted to keep.

"Y/n's not talking to anyone right now, Mr. Munson." Dustin tried explaining the severity of your grief to Wayne.

"That's fine, son. Y/n doesn't have to talk, I'll leave the door unlocked and Y/n can just come right in." Dustin thanked Wayne for his understanding and hung up the phone. He slowly dragged his feet to your room, he knocked hesitantly. He heard sniffles coming from the other side.

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