Spring Break

12.4K 330 301

Word Count: 3.4K

Warnings: swearing, mentions of kiss, mentions of alcohol.

A/n: okay so this is your typical fake dating trope. Pretty sure this is the longest thing I've ever wrote lol.


You were internally panicking. Your sister had mentioned to you that her boyfriend, Jonathan, was flying all the way from California to be with her for spring break. You were happy for her, you thought that Nancy and Jonathan were perfect together.

Your mom had been listening in on your conversation with your sister. This lead to her saying it would be just so fun to take everyone's significant others to dinner and go to Indianapolis to have fun family weekend. But then she looked at you as if it was then she remembered that you were still single.

"Well, maybe, we'll just wait until Y/n gets a boyfriend. Hopefully by then Jane and Jonathan will have stuck around." She walked away with a basket of laundry in her arms.

You rolled your eyes at her, turning to Nancy. She seemed as bothered as you, your mother meant well most of the time, she thought you might be lonely and this definitely wasn't the first time she has brought up your lack of a dating life. It was definitely the first time she was so bold about it though.

"You know she's just worried about you, right?" Nancy sighed as she ran a hand through her hair. You nodded your head.

"I know, I know but, she could be nicer." You mumbled the last part but, you were pretty sure Nancy still heard you.

"Why don't you just bring Eddie?" You looked at her with wide eyes.

"Because we're not dating?" You looked at like she was crazy. She rolled her eyes at you.

"Yeah but, if you brought Eddie then mom would get off your back for awhile. Plus, I know you're totally into Eddie and he's totally into you so maybe this will get things going in the right direction." She shrugged her shoulders acting nonchalantly.

"Okay first of all, we're not totally into each other" you totally were into Eddie but, she didn't need to to know that.

"Second of all, I seriously don't think Eddie would do it. Dad can't stand him, did you forget that?"

"That's exactly why he would go for it! His whole nonconformist thing would piss dad off and Eddie would be thriving off of it."

"Okay I'll talk to him but, not a word of this to anyone especially Mike." Nancy nodded quickly as you grabbed your car keys to go to Eddie's.

You pulled in quickly into the trailer park. You got out of your car and you were slightly nervous. As you got closer to his front, your nerves were only worsening. You were scared Eddie would hate the idea and the thought of Eddie rejecting you was something you didn't want to think about.

You knocked rapidly against his door. His uncle came to the door instead, you really liked Wayne Munson. He was always kind to you and always made you feel welcome.

"Hey, Wayne! Is Eddie home?" Wayne rubbed his eyes and suddenly you felt bad at the possibility of you waking him up. He noticed the way your face fell and wanted to relieve you of any guilt.

"You're fine, Y/n. He's in the shower right now, you can wait on the couch for him."
You muttered a quiet 'thank you' as you walked in. Wayne handed you a beer as he walked back to his room, leaving you in the living room. You heard the shower stop and then the bathroom door opened. You heard Wayne say your name and you assumed that he told Eddie you were waiting for him. 5 minutes later a freshly showered Eddie grabbed a beer out of the fridge and sat by you on the couch.

Eddie Munson imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now