Eddie's Number One Fan

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Word Count: 4.2k

Warnings: swearing and I think that's it, if I missed any please let me know so I can add them to the list!

A/n: this took me forever to write bc I was trying to write Eddie angst based off a Conan Gray song and it wasn't going well so I took a break and wrote this. She/her pronouns used.


Nobody knew much about you. You moved to Hawkins a week before school started, you were a senior and moving to completely new town and transferring to a new school was less than ideal. You adjusted well according to your everyone else around you.

Since you had just moved there, you had no friends which meant lots of free time. You got a job at Family Video and tutored freshman after school three days a week. At your Family Video job, you kinda became friends with your coworker Steve, he was nice, funny and handsome. Your coworker Robin was funny, a little awkward but, she seemed cool. You tutored a girl named Max after school. She was one of the 3 kids you tutored, the other 2 were Dustin Henderson and Lucas Sinclair. You were pretty sure Dustin was a genius in everything except Latin and Lucas had a fear of being kicked off the basketball team so he asked you to tutor him whether or not he needed it. He didn't.

You didn't really consider those people your friends, at least not right away. Being the new kid in a small town sucked. Especially during your senior year, everyone already had their established friend groups, and you just couldn't find a place to fit in. That's why you got a job and started tutoring, you thought that maybe that would be a good place to start.

After working at Family Video for a couple of months, you finally felt like you were friends with your coworkers. You liked making fun of Steve with Robin and seeing him fail at trying to flirt with the girls that would come in. You also like joking around with Steve, he was like a cool older brother.

You would sit by Max or with Robin and the school band at lunch. You were finally starting to feel like you belonged in Hawkins. The kids you tutored after school, were kind enough to invite to hang out with them too and then you found out that they were all friends with each other and Robin and Steve.

Everyone in Hellfire knew about Dustin's Latin tutor. Dustin seemed to have a lot of older friends that he looked up to and you were the newest addition. Eddie was fed up and kinda jealous that Dustin seemed to find a friend who was apparently funny and smart.

"Okay Henderson, enough about your tutor. We need to talk about Hellfire. We're meeting tonight." Everybody cheered except Dustin and Mike. The two boys turned to each other slowly, Lucas wouldn't be able to make tonight's meeting and neither would Dustin. Lucas had a playoff game and Dustin had a tutoring session with you.

"Wait, I thought we were doing it tomorrow?" Mike cringed as Dustin asked the question.

"I had to change it. Corroded Coffin's gig at the Hideout got moved to tomorrow night so that's why we're having Hellfire tonight." Eddie turned his attention to the two freshmen who seemed panicked.

"Well, it's just that I have to meet with Y/n tonight, I have a huge Latin test coming up,  and Lucas won't be there because of the championship game." Dustin looked at Eddie nervously. Eddie rolled his eyes at the mention of your name and then again at the mention of the basketball game.

"Well, I'm not changing it again so, Mike can find a sub for Lucas and you can cancel on your tutor." Mike and Dustin looked at each other again, if Dustin missed his tutoring session with you before his test, he was sure he would fail the class.

"We'll figure it out." Mike reassured Eddie and Eddie smiled at him but he seemed annoyed.

Mike spent all day trying to find subs for tonight and Dustin spent all of his day trying to find you. He found you during his free period, you were sitting in the library, headphones on, you had notebooks sprawled across the table as you scribbled on a planner in front of you. Dustin approached you quietly and tapped your shoulder.

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