Finally Together

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Word Count: 2.9k

Warnings: my poor attempt at writing angst for Eddie, mentions of alcohol, reader getting drunk, and probably swearing

A/n: I've decided that writing angst for Eddie is a real b to the itch. So this is probably awful. Most of it was influenced by Footnote by Conan Gray and Disaster by Conan Gray as well. She/her pronouns used.

Disclaimer: Eddie is canonically like 20/21 so every reader in the stories I write is 18+. I saw some discourse about this on tumblr bc people were being weird so I thought I'd clarify.


You didn't typically go to parties but, Eddie asked you to 'sheet-faced' with him and you had a hard time saying no to him. He picked you up, you were dressed Angie Walsh from Pretty in Pink, Eddie was dressed as a greaser. You basically spent the whole party watching him flirt with girls that weren't you. Jealousy rang through your head as you watched him flirt with some girl in a Sandy costume. You couldn't watch anymore and you left to get a drink.

One drink turned into 7 and now you were dancing with some jock as a weak attempt to make Eddie jealous. He didn't seem to notice or care. Suddenly you felt the alcohol rushing back up to your throat and you ran to the bathroom. Eddie saw you run past him and he excused himself to go find you. He saw you making your way to the bathroom, you didn't bother locking the door.

Eddie saw you hunched over with your head in the toilet. He sat besides you and held your hair back. He rubbed soothing circles on your back with his other hand. You sat up and wiped your mouth on your sleeve. You stared at Eddie, the effects of the alcohol were still making your brain fuzzy. Maybe that's what led you to confess your feelings for him.

"I like you, Eddie." Eddie's eyes met yours for the first time since you got out of his car.

"I think you need to sober up before we have this conversation." Eddie stood up from his spot on the floor and held a hand out to you.

"No, I want to talk about it now." Your words were slurred slightly and you stood up on your own, ignoring his hand.

"Alright, fine." Eddie stood opposite of you in the small bathroom.

"I like someone else, Y/n. I'm sorry." You felt tears threatening to spill.

"If I waited, could that change things?" You avoided eye contact with Eddie.

"No, I'm sorry." Eddie shook his head at you.

"It's fine. You don't need to be sorry for anything. I'm just, I'm just gonna leave." You pushed past Eddie and practically ran out to the hallway, Eddie tried to grab your arm to try and stop you but you were able to dodge his hand.

"I'll find a ride home. Don't worry about me." You searched the living room, looking for Nancy and Jonathan. You spotted them at the counter and it was like they were looking for you too. Your eyes met Nancy's and you turned around one last time to see Eddie coming down the hall. You walked up to them and asked them to take you home. They smelled the alcohol on your breath and saw the small amounts of mascara running down your cheeks and they quickly agreed and you all got in Jonathan's car.

They didn't ask what happened. They heard your sniffles as you sat in the back, they shared a worried look with each other. They brought you to the Wheeler's, knowing that you'd rather not risk your parents seeing you like this.

When you woke up, you noticed that you were in Nancy's basement. You saw the painkillers and water on the nightstand next to the couch and you silently thanked Nancy as you took them. You looked around and saw Jonathan asleep on the floor with Nancy next to him. When they woke up they asked what happened and you explained.

Eddie Munson imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now