sacrifice four

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She reached the note's location with a couple of minutes to spare. She hide in the shadows as she waited to see who would show up.

Her watch lit up and she hurriedly tried to take off the light, to avoid being seen. It didn't work in time because she heard someone call out to her.

"Kora, it's so good to see your beautiful face. I already saw you, darling, there's nowhere for you to hide!"

The person was still in the shadows so she never saw who addressed her. All she knew was that the voice sounded familiar. The slightly deep timbre reminded her of him.

She froze in fear and she blinked.

Her eyes opened again and he was right in front of her. She jumped backwards in surprise.

"What are you doing here, Jaxon?" Koraline asked him.

"I'm not Jaxon. My name is Judas. Haven't Jaxon told you about me? He's told me so much about you!" He grinned maniacally. He looked horrifying.

"Jaxon has a twin? So that means you were the one who killed my friends! Why did you do it?" She screamed at him.

"They were too close to you! I could not allow that to happen! Especially, that Cameron dude!" He screamed, making spit fly out of his mouth.

He was mumbling and talking to himself so she silently took out the stake and the gun with the silver bullets she had in her black hoodie's pocket. She thought that she was being stealthy but he heard and rushed towards her. She knew he would be coming so she held up the gun with her finger on the trigger, the safety off.

"Come any closer and I will shoot you! Now, tell me...where's Réya and Cameron?"

He paused.

"They don't deserve to have you as a friend. You're too pure for them! They were fucking each other...did you know that?" He said as he laughed hysterically.

"You're lying! I don't believe you!" She shouted in disbelief.

"I have pictures," he said in a sing-song, taunting voice, as he pulled out a manila envelope.

Judas started to walk towards her.

"Don't come any closer! Slide it to me," Koraline growled at him.

He paused, again, and he did what she said.

As she bent down to take up the pictures, she took her eyes off of him for a quick second. He rushed her using his supernatural speed.

Judas knocked the gun and stake out of her hands and he began to hold her by her neck.

She was such a stupid human, he thought to himself as he smelled her amazing scent.

"That's one of the oldest tricks in the book, Kora. I thought you knew this!" He said, lowering his mouth to her ear.

She shivered in disgust as his hot breath touched her skin. Her elbow tried to jab him in the stomach. All he did was chuckle. It felt like a nudge from a small child.

He didn't realize but he unconsciously tightened the hold he had around her neck.

"Why couldn't you love me? I just wanted to love you!" He screamed in her ear.

She flinched as she could feel her vision going darker. Koraline was on the brink of completely passing out.

Out of nowhere, something rushed at them and knocked Judas off of her. She dropped to the ground, gasping and coughing, trying to catch her breath.

Tears falling out of her eyes, she turned to her side and saw two figures fighting very roughly and attacking each other like they were fighting to the death.

She blinked the tears out of her eyes, still coughing slightly. As her vision became a bit clearer, she saw that it was Jaxon who was fighting with Judas!

She was shocked.

It looked like Judas was getting the upper hand, pinning Jaxon to the ground and repeatedly pummeling him with his fists.

The supernatural speed made it hard for her to see them. She spotted the gun a couple of inches from her leg. She struggled to move but she managed to crawl to get it. Koraline picked it up and held it in front of her, and she took a blinding shot.

Someone went down, the body dropping to the floor as blood pooled around them. Koraline finally blacked out. Before that, she wondered when the reinforcement would arrive.


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