Chapter II - Unknown

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"Hannah ?" I say her name without thinking, like it's the most common thing in the World. Seeing her in front of me give me the impression of meeting a mystical creature. I've seen what she looks like so many times, I've learned to know her through discussion with the group but her standing there makes me feel like it's an hallucination. As I remain in shock, unable to move a finger, she turn around and look at me.

"Who are you ?"

She looks at me with teary eyes. "Are you one of the medics ?" I need a minute to realize that she's talking to me.

"Oh I-I'm sorry ! No, I'm Mathilde. The girl you send the number to Tomas before your disappearance. It's nice to finally meet you" I smile shyly.

"[sniffing and swiping a tear] I-I don't understand. I'm sorry but do I know you ?" She's visibly beginning to look irritated. She doesn't even really consider my presence and continue starring at the fire.

"Hum ... What do you mean you don't under-"

"I'm sorry but I don't have time to play riddles right now ! I've just escaped a fucking nightmare ! My friend is trapped inside that mine shaft, there's so much fire and I don't know what to do right now ! So leave me alone !" She cuts me off abruptly.

"Miss Donfort, is everything okay ?" A man approaches us. He seems in his mid to late thirties with his salt and pepper hair. It looks like he hasn't taking care of himself for some time : beard from several days, dark circles under his eyes, a shirt that hasn't seen a washing-mashing or an iron in a while. He wears a police badge and a gun at his waist. I recognize his voice.

"Alan ?" The man looks at me doubtfully.

"Miss Dewitte ? What the hell are you doing here ?" While Alan seems as confused as I am, Hanna storms away and go get a closer look at the entrance of the mine. It seems like the fire is being contained little by little.

"I needed to make sure that R-Richy was okay. I w-was on the phone with him before he hanged u-up and he said some things... So..." My voice cracks as my hands and legs start shaking. I have a hard time to give meaning to my words. The only thing I know is to avoid talking about Jake at all costs... My eyes follow Hanna walking away. What she just said completely disoriented me. How can she have absolutely no idea of who I am. She's the one who has send my number to Thomas in the first place, isn't she ?

"Hey Mathilde, are you okay ? Talk to me" He puts his hands on my shoulders, feeling my distress. "Listen, you will have all the time you want to talk with her later but right now, I want you to take a deep breath and stay with me. I don't need you to faint in the middle of this mess. My men have more urgently things to do".

Even though his words are harsh, he doesn't let me go until I finally can breathe normally again.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to react like that. Thank you"

"You can thank me later when we will finally have the talk I ask you a long time ago" He let me go and looks back at his teams. He glares at the FBI officers suspiciously.

"Alan, what happened ? And what is the FBI doing here ?" I know why they're here. I just need him to tell me if they got Jake or not.

"Like I said to you by text earlier, I don't fucking know why those guys are here. Like always, they don't talk to us about their objectives. Investigative secrecy my ass... But judging by their behavior, I don't think they caught what or who they wanted yet" He paused. "As to what happened, I mean ... [exhale] I guess I don't need to hide it from you given your role in this situation, whatever it is... After I sent you the updated video feed, I saw who was behind that mask. Richard Rogers... I bet you saw it too and that's why you're finally got out of your hiding place" He give me a side-eye, studying my reaction.

"Yes, you're right about that". I look at him in the eyes. It's no use to hide it, he saw my state a few seconds ago and, well, he's not the chief of police for nothing...

"I saw him talking to his phone. Then, he hung up, got up and splash gasoline all over the files... And then he...He lighted it up. Immediately after, I called for reinforcements even though Pine Glade is in full swing at the moment..." I feel like the sky fell upon my head. I don't even see Alan in front of me. I just stand there, completely dumbfounded. So, it was indeed him who started the fire. I was right to trust my gut and come here. 

"I'm sorry Mathilde, I didn't mean to sound so direct"

"But your officers will help him get out of the mine right ? You will not leave him down there Alan ?" I look up at him with pleading eyes. If Richy is still in grave danger down there, it means that Jake is maybe in the middle of that wild fire too !

"Listen, my man are doing everything they can to extinct that fucking fire but you need to be realist. The configuration of the entrance of the mine adds a lot of difficulties to their mission. They are putting their safety and life in the line so you need to be prepared in case of-" He doesn't have the time to finish his sentence that one of the policeman come to us.

"Sir, the fire is being contained. Two firemen are down there already and are looking for potentials victims"

"Thank you Greg" The officer goes off to his teammate.

"I need to get closer" I walk to where Hanna stand, close to the entrance.

"Mathilde, I don't think it's a good idea. You don't know what will go out of this mine" He catches my arm, preventing me to go further.

"Please, Alan. I need to know if my friend is okay" I said in a calm voice. He looks right in my eyes, trying to convince me not to go but he knows that I already made up my mind. He let go of me. I nod my head to thank him. However, we don't have time to resume our way to the mine that I hear a terrifying scream behind me. Hanna.

We don't need a second more to run to her. I saw her at 50 meters away, screaming. She's being restrain by two officers to avoid her to go to the direction of the mine. What did she saw ?! I arrive at her side and right away another officer prevent me to continue.

"Ladies please, you cannot stay here !"

I don't hear her. I don't hear anything anymore. Only one scene take all my attention.

The smoke.

Two exhausted firefighters.

The lights of an ambulance.

A resigned doctor.

The stretcher.

The black body bag.


Author's note : Hi guys ! I hope you enjoyed this chapter ! So, who do you think is in that body bag ? 🤔😥🤐 If you enjoyed it, don't forget the like and don't hesitate to leave a comment ! See you in chapter 3 :)

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