Chapter 2

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The space in the underground entrance hall is surprisingly airy mix of white and silver. The artificial lighting behind the ceiling tiles high up is exactly like daylight. If Jungkook didn't know better, he'd say they were up on the surface.

The atmosphere down here is completely different from the main entrance hall of green and gold, however. As much as the air up there is formal, down here it is informal.

"It's a bit of mix of people down here because everyone is kind of in-between-places, waiting to be allocated their appropriate accommodation." Kieran looks around and nods shyly at a few uniformed officers passing by.

The large area is buzzing with people of various races, shapes and sizes and going by the smells wafting around the stalls and tables, the food must be equally diverse. There are clusters of tables scattered about the food area which is surrounded by plants and flowers. Jungkook can even hear music somewhere in the distance. Everything is really rather pleasant, he thinks.

"Here." Kieran points toward a side corridor leading away from the hall. Jungkook follows him and they walk past countless doors lining the otherwise empty corridor before Kieran stops in front of one of them.

"This one is you."

The number on the door reads KTH-957.

"Normally housing is organised by rank and unit but while you are being re-assessed..." His lips thin in dissatisfaction. "'re in here for a bit while they decide what to do with you." He looks apologetic even when the choice of accommodation is obviously nothing to do with him. Jungkook nods in understanding.

Jungkook can't quite hide the smile creeping up on his face when the eager young man proceeds to explain in great detail how to work the door, even though it really is rather self-explanatory.

"It will open with your ID code, here." He places his own forearm, which has a matte, green logo and code, under the scanner and it immediately blinks a red light and hisses a quiet drone in dissatisfaction that declines entry. He gestures for Jungkook to try and when he pushes his arm with its iridescent, glowing blue logo under the unit, immediately the door hisses open with a ping.

"You have a roommate for the moment, but I imagine you probably won't be here for long." He nods and turns to leave. Jungkook can see the hesitation, even if it's infinitesimal. No one else would notice. Kieran wants to say something else. The strange words in the lift are still loud in Jungkook's ears and he wants to ask about it. He doesn't get the chance.

"I'll come back to pick you up for your scans tomorrow, since you might not know your way." He speaks a little too loudly, as if convincing anyone within hearing distance that he is really needed here. It's all very peculiar. The young man disappears before Jungkook can stop him.

The room is tiny, surprisingly asymmetrical and entirely inappropriate for a higher-ranking officer but Jungkook doesn't mind. All he'll be doing here is sleep, the rest of his time will be taken up by tests and training in preparation for his first mission. Not sure why, Jungkook feels apprehensive about the mission.

The room only has a bunk bed, a pair of lockers and a small, low table with two seating cushions around it. The empty wall opposite all the furniture is a deep orange which is the only source of colour in the entirely grey room. A narrow door leads to a tiny bathroom with a tiny shower cubicle. There isn't even a fake window to stare at. Being one hundred stories underground, there isn't a lot one can expect, Jungkook figures.

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