Chapter 11

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They locate the makeshift cafeteria where breakfast is already being served.

The low ceilinged room is a dismal sea of concrete. The large area is littered with a mishmash of tables and chairs scattered about, all in different sizes and shapes and in various degrees of ruin -no doubt scavenged from whatever has been available.

Although it feels early, the room is already half full of people, men and women dressed in various shades of grey, black and green, all happily and calmly mingling and eating. Some seated. Some standing. Jungkook is surprised to smell coffee -it's hard to come by.

When they walk in, silence descends, even the clinking of dishes and glasses stops and all eyes are on them. But it's not suspicion or curiosity over their identity that colour the faces, instead it's joy and gratitude, even affection.

They don't even have the chance to find a table when people surround them with smiles, happy welcomes and gentle hugs.

Taehyung doesn't know what to say because he has no idea why they are being treated like this.

Out of politeness, they both nod and shake hands, smile and answer the kind questions over their wellbeing, all the while wondering why.

Food is brought over like they are royalty, then they are left to eat in peace. Stunned and confused.

Zola finds them when they are just about to finish eating and takes them to the room allocated as her office.

"You two, if anything, make one believe in fate. A fate of our own making." She starts while they sit down around a desk -Zola behind it, Taehyung and Jungkook in front of it. The chairs are pathetic and a little wonky, the desk worn, the floor no different from the concrete of the dining room.

When the men just stare at Zola, eyes full of silent questions, she chuckles gently. "You really don't remember do you?"

Jungkook and Taehyung exchange glances.

"This is your third time. Third time you have returned together after being completely separated and having had your memories wiped. Even after all that, you still always manage to find each other. Truly meant to be." She shakes her head in disbelief but her face is warm when she looks at the men.

"I'm going to let Dr Cheng speak to you about the science side of things but I have you until he's ready to have you... Since you don't remember I thought I could fill you in... but you know, for me, this part never gets any less weird..." She takes a big breath and prepares for what she is about to tell them.

"...You have both been with us since the beginning, both of you are founding members of The Underground... you have worked tirelessly to help release people from the clasps of Mirotex. Jungkook as a team leader, and Taehyung, you have always been his sniper support. The perfect team with the highest success rate... in more ways than one." She smiles fondly and winks a little and this time there really is no room for misinterpretation. There have been too many hints already, they can't avoid the conclusion anymore.

They are clearly a couple. A long term couple going by what Zola has just said.

Taehyung dares a glance at Jungkook and the dark eyes are already there waiting, the realisation loud in them. Taehyung can't help it, his eyes linger and his cheeks heat when Jungkook doesn't look away. How weird is this?

The feeling of two timelines of oneself mixing, two levels of familiarity melting into something in between. Taehyung feels something soften inside him, his resistance melting the longer he stares at Jungkook.

💜 YOUR FATE IS WHAT WE MAKE 💜 (18+) TAEKOOK {complete}Where stories live. Discover now