Chapter 10

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It could be awkward between them after their moment of weakness and the discovery of yet more modifications on Taehyung, but it isn't. It's a comfortable silence between them while they travel the tunnels toward The Underground hideout.

Jungkook wonders where all that came from, why Taehyung was so affectionate out of the blue, seemingly without his "baby doll" activating. Taehyung kissed him like he knew him when up 'til now he's been more or less hostile toward him. Jungkook can't deny it -there is definitely something unusual going on between them.

What it is, he can't say.

They emerge to breathe the rain-cleaned air.

The impressive, looming figure of the power plant is intimidating and apart from a few lit up walkways, dark. Taehyung wonders why this place was chosen, then realises it's unmanned. This means that The Underground can exist in peace. It also means they can move about freely to look for the entrance into the unknown.

The closer to their mission goal they get, the more apprehensive Taehyung feels.

Being here really drives home the fact that he has been upgraded and that these upgrades are permanent, an integrated part of him. Will they really be able to remove them? How dangerous will it be? What will happen to them after? Will he function normally without them?

Perhaps most importantly, will they be able to remember who they are?

Jungkook is so focused on his task that he doesn't have time to worry too much, he only hopes that there is someone here who can actually help them. He doesn't dare to think what will happen if there is no help to be had. Their time is already running out, especially for Taehyung.

The thought twists everything inside him until he can hardly breathe.

There are ten giant cooling towers to cool down the nuclear reactor below, one of many similar nuclear sites that provide energy to the city. The fat towers are hollow, gently narrowing at the waist and huge, arranged in a line, in a gentle crescent shape. They are so massive that it takes Jungkook and Taehyung 20 minutes just to locate number seven. The whole metallic, concreted monstrosity of the plant stands alone, surrounded by nothing, right along the periphery of the city. Taehyung wonders how far he could see across the desert if it were daytime.

There are no entrances along the brightly-lit, open-air, corridors between the shafts but at lower ground level, only dimly lit from the lights above, there is a door that looks like any other door in the place with the exception of a well-hidden security camera and a coded lock on the door.

"This must be it." Jungkook calls for Taehyung.

For some unknown reason, Jungkook feels nervous but he presses the button for entry anyway.

He expects to have to say something, to explain why they are there, to have to identify themselves. He does not expect the door to just open, whoever sitting behind the camera having clearly identified them.

"Well that's not weird at all." Taehyung says -even his sarcasm is subdued.

The door takes them to a simple metal staircase lit only by dim, red lighting. It goes so far down that in the gloom one can't even see where it ends.

Suddenly Taehyung steadies himself against Jungkook's shoulder and looks away. "Shit..." He takes several deep breaths, exhaling slowly.

"You're not claustrophobic, are you?" Jungkook asks, concerned.

"No, just don't get on with heights..."

"It's ok. If you feel wobbly... just look at me. I guess you'll feel better the deeper we get then, huh?" He smiles and tugs at Taehyung's ear lobe gently. This time, Taehyung doesn't tell him off.

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