Chapter 19

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"Go!" Jungkook shouts, pushing Taehyung forward. The sand is already gathering on the tarmac and it's difficult to get enough grip to run fast so they scramble before they find their feet. The soldiers are quickly advancing in their vehicle. They both know they are not going to make it. "We can't lead them over to the plant, we have to distract them, lead them away. Come!" Taehyung shouts against the wind.

They run through places where the vehicles cannot pass, forcing the officers out of their safety.

The black suits and helmets emerging from the dark vehicle are too clean for the chaos of the blowing winds and piling, orange sands. Even their weapons gleam in the sun. There is something incredibly robotic in the way they all run, all in sync with each other.

Taehyung and Jungkook scrabble through a broken wired fence and run across a vast expanse of another abandoned parking lot, the winds nearly blowing them off their feet. They run into a building site with piles and piles of abandoned building materials. Every pile of materials is already covered in uniform orange, it's still many hours until the rains that will wash it all away.

They take a moment to hide in the half-finished structure of a building. Taehyung coughs, badly.

"You ok? Taehyung waves his hand to say he's fine. Jungkook doesn't believe him.

As soon as Jungkook takes off the backpack and passes it onto Taehyung in a way the tells him to put it on, Taehyung frowns and pouts under his mouth covering. "No way." Jungkook brings his eyes back from scanning for the soldiers.


"No way am I wearing this backpack and hide like some damsel so you can go and play hero, big boy." When Jungkook rolls his eyes in mock annoyance, Taehyung feels a little lump form in his throat.

He didn't want to do this, especially right now, he was just going to ignore the past and focus on the moment. But he can't stop the annoying little whiney voice coming out of his mouth.

"I'm not leaving without you, Jungkook, we always stay together, remember?" He stares at Jungkook, eyes above the wrinkled fabric getting pink from the welling tears and the irritating sands. When there is no echo of recognition, Taehyung is reminded that no, Jungkook really doesn't remember.

"It's our thing! Our thing, the one promise we never break. We always stay together, no matter what! I'm not leaving so don't even try!" He grips Jungkook's arm so hard he flinches.

"Fine. Fine." The second word is gentler, apologetic, understanding. "You take the handgun and the backpack. We have to protect the machine and the chips." Jungkook says that even though all he wants to protect is Taehyung, at all cost.

Suddenly bullets fly through the air. They have been discovered. They immediately take cover, Jungkook behind a concrete pillar, Taehyung behind a covered pile of building materials. By now, their blood-stained uniforms have camouflaged themselves in orange dust while the security officers still sparkle in their newness. Jungkook takes two down in one go, it's like target practice.

Taehyung runs across to the other side of Jungkook and flops onto the floor to shoot the men behind another pile of materials. The bullets are barely audible in the howling winds. Taehyung drops his spent magazine and pushes in a new one, cocking the gun just when a shower of bullets heads their way.

A line of bullets fires across the building structure in small detonations of concrete and like in a dream, Taehyung sees the line of the exploding holes get closer and closer to Jungkook.

There is no time to duck.

There's no time to do anything.

Taehyung sees his worst fear happen right in front of his eyes. Three bullets hit Jungkook across the torso, the armoured suit swallows the impact of the first two, but the third... lands wet on the side of Jungkook's stomach while he flies through the air at the sudden force of the bullets. He lands on the ground with a loud thud, a sound that crashes into Taehyung like a shockwave.

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