halloween party (pt. 1)

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the following week was a blur. not only was it midterms but i was also completely lost in thought at all times. i just couldn't stop thinking about sal. i would replayed that last time i saw him over and over almost every night before i fell asleep.

over the course of the week the thought of texting sal had crossed my mind but every time it was stress inducing. i just never knew what to say. and honestly, i don't know what i will say when i see him. tonight wasn't going to be like those other times. now i knew for sure there was something between us but the ball was in my court. i would have to make the first move.

me: heyyy

ash: hi! what's up

me: so are we getting ready at larry's?? the groupchat is a little confusing

ash: yeah, larry is gonna pick us up to go to the lake and he said we could go back to his place after to get ready and he'd drive us to the party from his :D

me: okay! tht sounds good :) are u almost ready?

ash: yes! i need help carrying stuff tho </3

me: let me know when u do, i'll come over :)

i set my phone down and started packing a bag. we were meeting the boys to carve pumpkins and then go to a party afterwards. i had never been to a party before and i didn't know what to expect. first i packed my makeup and what i needed for my costume. like i said, i didn't know what to expect, so i decided to pack like i was going to a sleepover. makeup wipes, pjs and a toothbrush. i also packed mints, just in case. i felt embarrassed for being overly prepared. i just prayed i had everything and that tonight wasn't going to be a mess.

ash: hey, whenever ur done could u come over?

me: i'll be there in a sec:)

i double checked my bag and took one last look in the mirror. i went to reach for the door handle but at the last second changed my mind. i set my bag down and slid off my hoodie. i swapped mine for sal's and started for the door again. i felt nervous about my last minute decision but it felt right. i didn't want to fuck things up. i liked sal and i didn't want him to think otherwise.

knock knock.

ash smiled, "hi, y/n! are you excited about our pumpkins?"

i entered ash's room and set my bag down on her bed, "yes, i am so so stoked for tonight. i haven't had plans this fun in forever."

"i'm pretty hyped too. i can't wait to see your costume and for you to see mine!" she gathered her things onto her bed along with my bag. "so i kind of have a lot of stuff. i have my bag, our pumpkins, and another bag of the carving knives. oh shit, we need trash bags. okay so i'll be bringing trash bags too."

i looked at all our stuff, "jeez. so larry is 100% cool with us getting ready at his place?"

"yeah, totally! he said we could use his guest bathroom and even his room if we needed too."

i sighed, "ugh, is it just me who's nervous?"

ash laughed, "no no, it's okay. you don't have to feel nervous. we'll all be together the whole time! besides, todd and neil are skipping the party entirely. it's not really their thing. you're not alone, some people are introverted and that's totally fine."

i exhaled again, "i wanna break out of my shell like you ash. i don't mind being introverted but i wanna try to have fun without feeling weird about it."

she smiled, "i promise it'll be okay. and if it isn't, for whatever reason, we can totally come right back home and hang out together."

i smiled softly feeling slightly relieved, "thank you, ash." i didn't want to pussy out but ash's kindness did a lot for easing my nerves.

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