Invasion! Part 1...

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"Team Arrow is here. Team Legends is here. Is that everyone?" Felicity asked H.R., walking through the S.T.A.R. Labs hangar we were all in. Barry needed our help fighting aliens, so here we were.

"Nate and Amaya are back watching the waverider." Sara informed everyone else. She received confused looks in return. Nobody knew who Nate and Amaya were.

"The newbies." I filled everyone in, receiving nods of understanding. I was secretly jealous of Nate- he got uninterrupted alone time with the girl we were both fighting over. All of a sudden, a portal appeared out of the corner of my eye, quickly snapping me out of my thoughts.

"That was cool." A caped figure standing next to Cisco and Barry said.

"Guys!" Barry summoned us. "Thanks for coming."
"Barry, I thought you were bringing an alien." Oliver said to his friend.
"And, yeah, we did. Everybody, this is my friend, Kara Danvers, or, as she's known on her Earth, Supergirl." Kara smiled sheepishly at all of us.

"What makes her so super?" Jax asked, confused.

"Well?" Kara flew up in the air and, with her laser eyes, imprinted the symbol on her chest onto the floor of the hangar.

"I'm convinced." I nodded.

"Best. Team up. Ever!" Felicity squealed from the other end of the hangar.


Since Kara was new, she insisted on learning everyone's names and code names. "Okay, I think I have this." She went down the line pointing at everyone. "Oliver."

"Green Arrow."





"Okay." She moved over to the Legends. "And Sara."

"White Canary."


"Raven." Raven was the name I was given in the League of Assassins. Although I was released, I held onto that one bit of the league.

"Jax and Professor Stein."


"Uh, Ray."

"Palmer. The A.T.O.M."


"Hmm? Oh, Heat Wave." We all turned around to see Mick eating a sandwich.

"Where the hell did you get a sandwich?" I asked him.

"Don't ask."

Kara interrupted our conversation. "And Iris, Caitlin, and Felicity."



Kara looked at Caitlin. "And you have cold powers, but you can't use them?"

Felicity looked at her friend, surprised. "You have powers?"

"It's a long story."

"Okay, Cisco, we should probably get started." Oliver instructed the tech nerd.

"Okay, these are the Dominators." Barry started presenting to us. "We don't know much about them." Kara stopped him there.

"Except they're really strong." Everyone's eyes were on her. "I heard a lot about them when I was a kid. They came to my planet before I was born. They did experiments on a lot of people. Killed a lot more."

"Well, they're not the only ones with superhuman strength, I hear." Thea commented. "Barry says that you're more powerful than a locomotive."

"We should use Kara as a stand in for training." Oliver suggested.

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