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As the boys worked and Sara talked to them, I stayed slumped on the couch. Everything hurt. My head was aching. I couldn't stop replaying the moment where I lost Amaya.

"Any luck?" Sara, who was pacing the basement, asked Jax and Ray, both of whom were working on a temporal beacon to get in contact with Rip and the waverider.

"You asked me that five minutes ago." Ray reminded her.

"You know, it's not easy trying to get a 21st century radio to connect with a 22nd century time ship." Jax added as Sara continued to pace.

Sara looked at Mick hopelessly. "Thawne never told you what he did with Rip?"

"No, we weren't close like that."

She walked over to me. "How you holding up?"

"Better than Amaya."

"I never knew about you guys."

"She wanted to take it slow, try and figure it out. So, there wasn't much to know." I explained.

"I figured it out!" Ray announced. "We've been assuming the waverider's broadcasting using a quantum frequency, but-" Jax cut him off.

"But only if the quad band antenna array was in alignment. Ray, you are a genius."

Ray laughed. "I guess I am. I kinda forgot what it was like."
"So can you communicate with Rip or what?" Sara asked them.

"Sara? Sara, is that you?" It was Rip.

"Good job, guys. Good job." Sara grabbed them by the shoulders.

"We didn't do anything yet." Ray answered, as confused as everyone else. "Rip?"

"Yes, Dr. Palmer, I've honed in on your location."

"Well, haul ass over here and come pick us up." Jax chimed in, eagerly.

"There may be one small problem with that." The sound of the waverider approached us and we all turned around to see it was the waverider, only the size of a laptop. It flew towards Mick who grabbed it.

"Look, it's the teeny, weenie Englishman."

"Mr. Rory, will you please stop?"

"Ah, relax." Mick pushed the tiny ship out of his hand.
"Why would Thawne use the Spear of Destiny to shrink you?" Sara asked him.

"Uh, I don't believe he did. I'm assuming that he used Dr. Palmer's exosuit."

"Oh. Well then, he must still have it in his lab." Ray concluded. "We gotta steal it back and then we can unshrink the ship."

"And then what?"

"Rip, we have a plan to put reality back as it was. But you're not gonna like it."

As a guard walked casually down a S.T.A.R. Labs hallway, Mick stuck his arm out, hitting the guard in the face and knocking him unconscious.

"Haircut, where to now?" Mick asked Ray as Nate started to drag the body away from the middle of the open hallway.

"Uh, I don't know." He admitted. "I never exactly saw my exosuit here. I just figured. Where else would Thawne hide it?"

"All right, let's split up." Sara went with Nate, Ray and Jax went a different way, and Mick and I went another.


France, 1916

Mick and I managed to take down a few guards before rejoining the team on the waverider and time jumping to 1916, not a word spoken to us in that time.

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