Beebo The God Of War (part one)...

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Had to split this chapter up into two parts just for suspense and so that I had time to publish this tonight. 

Beebo The God Of War (part two) will be up sometime tomorrow

The blissful feeling that consumed me when I woke up the next mornings was indescribable. The routing was the same. Everything was practically the same, except for one change. I turned to my left, ready to greet my former girlfriend, now my wife. "Morning, beautiful." I couldn't even try to contain the smile on my face.

"Morning." Her smile was just as wide as mine as she gently placed her lips on mine. "You wanna talk?"

"Yeah, about what?"

"Your father." I rolled my eyes and sat up, carelessly putting on my Fleetwood Mac shirt.

"Way to ruin the mood."

"Look, I'm sorry." Amaya apologized, placing on her disregarded shirt from the night before. "But it's been a week since he died, and you still won't talk about it. I just feel-"

"It's not your place to feel here, Amaya. He was my father. He wasn't yours."

"As your wife, I do have a right to feel. Martin was family whether we were married or not. And right now I'm afraid that you married me out of grief." The room went silent. I had nothing to say to counteract what Amaya said and she knew she had already done too much damage.

As she made her way to the door, my voice stopped her. "Why'd you say yes?"

Amaya took a step away from the door. "What?"

"When I asked you to marry me, why'd you say yes?"

"Because I love you." Her response was immediate- no hesitation, no second thought.

"You ever think that that could be the reason I married you?" My words were unintendedly harsh, but I was in too deep to take anything back. I made my way to the door, letting it open while I lingered in the doorway.

"Are we still going to tell the team now?"

"If you think I married you out of grief, maybe now's not the best time." I placed the ring that Gideon had fabricated on the dresser before walking out.


"You wanted to see me?" I peered my head into the doorway of the library. Word had circulated around the ship that Leo, Snart's Earth-X doppelganger, was calling every Legend into the library, one by one, to talk.

"Yes, please, Maria, have a seat." He gestured to a chair opposite to where he was sitting, a desk separating them. "How are you doing?" His pushiness before I had even sat down threw me off a bit.

"Why does everyone want to talk to me about my dad?" I started to leave, Snart calling after me.

"I meant with your wife."

I walked back up to the desk, slamming my hands down. "How do you know about that?"

"You didn't take off the ring yesterday. I put two and two together. The rest of the people on this timeship may be too wrapped up in their own drama to notice the little things, but I'm not." I simply rolled my eyes in response. "So what's wrong with you and the Mrs? Because clearly-" I wasn't in the mood to listen to his bullshit rant, so I simply cut to the chase.

"She thinks I married her out of grief."

"Well, did you?"

"Everybody in the parlor. ASAP." Sara's voice across the ship, as well as the rumbling of a timequake, interrupted our conversation, leaving me with that thought to ponder on.

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