Crisis On Earth-X Part 4...

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Totally didn't say that this is only a small twist...


They say that in life, there's always one defining moment that pushes your life in one direction. Technically Ray says that, but he's slowly gotten all of us to adapt it.

That's how it felt when my father was shot. The moment when my father's life was hanging in the balance was that moment for me. Nothing else mattered.

Jax had merged with him to stop the blood loss, so there was definitely a rush when the two separated in the medbay of the waverider. "Gideon, fix him!"

"His pressure's dropping. We have to stanch the bleeding."

"Right away, Dr. Snow." Caitlin examined him from one side as I held onto his hand for dear life on the other side.

"Jax, Maria, relax. Professor's gonna be fine. He's a tough bastard." Jax started to nervously pace the medbay, only to start coughing up blood a few moments later.

"Jax is hit!" Nate sat him down in the other medbay chair. "I can't find an entry wound!"

Caitlin and I observed their vitals until we both noticed something. "Look at their vitals."

"It must be because of their connection."

Mick, for once, seemed very rattled by the situation. "What the hell does that mean?"

"Even though Jax isn't injured, their life functions must still be linked somehow."

"Well, how do we unlink them?"

"We can't. Their connection's the only thing keeping the professor alive."

Everyone looked around solemnly. "Nate, Mick, go deal with the Nazis. Caitlin and I will stay here and track their vitals." Both men nodded and started to leave before I realized something. "Nate?" He turned around so that he was facing me.


"Have you seen Amaya?"

"Yeah." I sighed a breath of relief. "She's okay."

"Oh thank god." Half my worries were put to rest when Amaya appeared in the doorway of the medbay. I let go of my father's hand for the first time in hours to move towards the woman I loved and embrace her tightly. "I was so worried, Amaya."

"I'm okay." She ran her hand over my hair to comfort me. "Are you okay?"

I pulled away from her quickly, looking over at the unconscious men to my right. "Yeah, I'm okay."

Amaya looked right through me. She pulled me outside of the medbay and looked me dead in the eyes. "Are you okay?"

The tears I had been holding back for hours finally emerged. I started sobbing uncontrollably as Amaya pulled my head onto her shoulder. "I can't lose him, Amaya. I can't lose him."


Now clinging to my father's hand tightly again, he stirred, looking around frantically. "Jef-Jefferson." He looked over to his partner who was sitting on the other medbay chair. "Jefferson. I- I need to tell you something. You too Maria." Jax groaned and whimpered as he tried to get out of his chair.

"Well, talk fast. Because unless you're sedated, Gideon can't do her thing to patch you up." I reminded him as Jax stumbled over to us.

"Can't you see that I'm dying?"

"No, Dad. No, you're not dying." I gripped onto his hand even tighter. "You can't leave me. I need you."

"I'm old, Maria. And even if I hadn't been shot, no one lives forever."

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