Necromancing The Stone (part one)...

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This is another short filler chapter just cause the next chapter is gonna be absolutely insane.

Think of a loosely based mix of "Here I Go Again" (S3 E11 of Legends Of Tomorrow) and a mess of everything else that's happened in Legends with a little bit of "Props" (S3 E20 of Glee) mixed in

Hope you enjoy this chapter


"Morning, Captain, where's Mrs. Captain?" I greeted Sara, noticing the taller blonde missing from her side.

"Ava had to work." Sara turned her attention out the window, staring at the mess of the temporal zone in front of us.

"With all the new anachronisms, the time tears are getting worse." Amaya observed.

"Yeah, I thought we were calling them time cracks." Zari, Wally, and Ray entered the bridge.

"Hey, uh, what happens if we don't repair history?" Wally asked us.

"Working theory: time is frapped together like a smoothie, so instead of just dealing with Julius Caesar in Aruba, we have to fight off Genghis Khan, a herd of wooly mammoths, and a swarm of locusts from the Old Testament."

"That was oddly specific." I muttered after the conclusion of Ray's rant.

"And Mallus is freed from time jail, so he could rule over this giant mess." Nate added, ignoring my statement entirely.

"So worse than flashpoint?"

"Is that what we're calling the thing Barry did?" I asked the speedster who simply nodded. Barry's great expedition that created me, what a great time? "I think it's something similar."

"All right, enough hand wringing." Sara told us. "Mallus and his team are doubling down on anachronisms, so, so are we. From now on, we're gonna do our repairs in teams." Sara looked through the crowd in front of her, realizing it was missing an all too familiar face. "Where's Rory?"

Wally nodded, speeding off just before Zari could warn him of the horror that awaited him.

"Wally, wait."

Wally returned a second later, this time with the arsonist by his side.

"Nice robe." Amaya giggled as he looked at the navy blue, fuzzy robe that he was in.

"Who dressed me?" Mick mumbled sleepily.

"Um, me." Wally muttered, looking vaguely disturbed. "FYI, Heatwave sleeps in the nude."

"Yeah, tried to warn you, kid."

Sara rolled her eyes very dramatically. "As riveting as this conversation is, Gideon, please." The AI obeyed, pulling up the anachronism map. "So, Z and Amaya, you take the time courier to Billings, Montana 1997. The Mona Lisa is about to make a very special appearance on the Antiques Roadshow. Nate, Maria, and I will pick up Einstein in the ice age," Amaya and I looked at Sara stone faced. She ignored our looks, though she definitely saw them, continuing with her last task. "And Wally and Mick, you two are on the jump ship to find and return a dog named Laika to the Soviet space program.

"No." Mick grunted.

This took everyone, especially Sara, by surprise. "Excuse me?"

"I'm not chasing a Ruskie Pooch."

"Uh, I could actually use Mick's help reforming the fire totem." Ray lied, very well for his usual abilities. Either way, we all knew that there was no way Mick was actually going to help.

"Fine. Nate, you go with Wally, me and Maria will get Einstein by ourselves." Sara gripped onto the side of her head suddenly.

"Are you okay?" Amaya questioned her.

"Yeah, do-" She cut herself off. "I'm fine." Sara remembered everyone's comment and suggestions from their last debriefing. "All right, that's it. No snazzy send off, Mama's got a headache. Maria, we're gone in ten."

"Roger that, Captain."


Over a half hour had passed, but Sara was nowhere to be found. I searched the waverider swiftly, afraid that something bad happened to her, something that was a recent trend with the team.

"Hey, Sara, there you are." Literally the only place I hadn't checked- the parlor. Her back was turned to me and she didn't react to my voice. "Sara?" She then turned around suddenly. Everything happened so suddenly. I barely had realized that Sara wasn't herself before I was thrown back, my head hit against the computers, knocking me unconscious.


3rd Person POV

Word had spread quickly once the two other teams had returned. Sara was possessed. Maria and Ray were both incapacitated and resting in the medbay. And although Amaya knew Sara wasn't herself, she was still worried about what Sara did to her.

But she could never imagine what was happening in Maria's resting brain.



An arm wrapped around Maria's torso as the morning came. It was more muscular than she was used to. The first problem. She turned around slowly in bed, not daring to open her eyes yet.

"Morning, babe." The voice was the next problem. It was male. That was not the sweet, angelic voice of Amaya Jiwe.

And then, she opened her eyes. The final problem. She was in bed next to Nate Heywood.

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