The Legion Of Doom...

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"You're all idiots." Mick insulted us as he ate a donut I fabricated for him.

"Pot, meet kettle." I muttered.

"Yeah, Mick. Given your glass house, you shouldn't throw stones." Ray agreed.

"Mixing metaphors isn't going to solve anything." My father said.

"How about instead of bickering, we figure out our next move against the speedster and his allies." Our captain not so lightly suggested.

"'Legion of Doom' has a sexier ring to it." Nate disagreed.

"No offense, but no one's calling it that." Amaya said lightly.

"And we need to figure out a way to rescue Rip." Sara added.

"All you gotta do is trade the amulet, or the medallion, for the Englishmen. It's really simple." Mick said with a full mouth.

"The only thing is we don't know how it works." Nate held up the mystical object.

"Hmm. You are an idiot." Mick repeated.

"You want to put an artifact that can rewrite reality into the hands of the enemy and we're the idiots?" Amaya asked Mick. He nodded. "Our priority has to be identifying this speedster." She spoke up.

"Of course you'd say that. I mean, he is the one that killed your boyfriend, so..."

"That's enough, Mick." I told him sternly.

"He's at the center of this, and you can't defeat an enemy you don't know." Jax said, getting back on topic.

"Look, Amaya's right." Sara agreed with her. "And I hate to say it, but so is Mick."

"I'm not an idiot." Ray and Mick said in unison.

"Not about being idiots. About using the medallion as leverage. But first, we need to figure out how it works." She looked at me and Nate.

"Well, in our defense, it is a mystical object. It doesn't come with a set of instructions." I put my hands up.

"Maybe that's been the problem, approaching it from a mystical vantage instead of leaning into our strengths, which are-" Ray cut my dad off.


"Exactly, and as it happens, I have a colleague in Central City whose knowledge might prove to be advantageous."

"Gideon, set a course for Central City, 2017. Jax, stick with Martin. Amaya, stay with Nate and Amaya. And let's work on putting a name to our speedster."


"A temporal navigation vessel." The girl I now recognized as my sister, Lily, said as she walked onto the bridge with my dad. "I- I absolutely cannot believe it."

"Um, hello, who are you?" Nate asked her.

"Oh, hi. Hi. I'm Lily. I'm- I'm Martin's daughter."

"We didn't know Martin had another daughter." Amaya added.

"Yeah, we thought it was only Maria." Nate shrugged his shoulders

"Well, I like to keep my private life...private." He defended himself.

"There's private, and there's lying." Nate disagreed. "Sara, do you know about this?" Nate asked her.

"Oh, I know all about this." She stared my dad down as I went to hug my sister.


"What's the big deal? The professor didn't have another kid, now he does. Mazel tov." Mick said to my father.

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