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Star City, 2017

Amaya, Sara, and I were running through Star City, chasing after a vigilante who dared to defy our boss, Damien Darhk. She put up a good fight, but we were easily able to capture her and bring her back to Mr. Darhk.

"Well done, ladies." Mr. Darhk complimented us. "Star City owes you a debt of gratitude."

"Just doing our job, Mr. Mayor." I smiled at him.

"Yes, but you do it so well, and with And you've done a bang-up job dealing with my...pest problem, " He looked Felicity dead in the eyes. "Though that term may be giving you vigilantes a little too much credit. Even a cockroach knows when to pack up and head out of Dodge."

"Star City is my home. I will never stop fighting." She muttered, looking at Mr. Darhk with disgust written on her face.

"Sure you will." Mr. Darhk nodded before looking at me. "Kill her." I walked up behind her and quickly snapped her neck. "Hmm." He looked at her limp body on the floor. "Get rid of that. Oh, but I will take the I can add to my collection." Mr. Darhk took the mask and placed it on a mannequin head.


Sara, Amaya, and I stood outside patiently as Mr. Darhk spoke to Leonard Snart and Malcolm Merlyn. Mr. Darhk's call button went off, signaling that he wanted us to enter.

"Yes, boss?" Sara asked him.

"Mick Rory's got himself lost. Find him, would you?" Sara, Amaya, and I all smiled at each other devilishly.

"Where do you suggest we start our search?" Amaya asked him.

Snart pulled something out of his coat pocket. "You can track him with this. I put a GPS in Mick. I don't trust anyone."


The GPS Snart gave us led us to the S.T.A.R. Labs basement with two other people, unknown to us.


"Sara." One of the unknown people said Amaya's name, the other one said Sara's name.

"Hey, dumbasses, they have no clue who you are." Mick muttered from behind them. "They work for Damien Darhk." We all pulled out our weapons of choice, ready to attack the men.



In our fight, Sara was pinned down, and we clearly underestimated their abilities, so Amaya and I made a run for it, back to Mr. Darhk's office.

"We found your partner, and he's got himself some friends." I explained to Snart as the other two men listened.

"And where, pray tell, is your partner Miss Lance?" Darhk questioned us.

"We got separated in the fight." Amaya answered. "We haven't heard from her since, so we're guessing she's dead by now." Sara appeared in the doorway of Mr. Darhk's office soon after that statement was made.

"Ah, that's the thing about Sara Lance, she never stays dead for very long."

"Sorry, we underestimated them." She apologized to Mr. Darhk. "Won't happen again. We'll fix this." She seemed very out of character. "Let's go." She tried to drag me and Amaya away, but Mr. Darhk's voice stopped her.

"Oh...not so fast."


"I have a question for you." Mr. Darhk guided Sara away from us and towards his vigilante mask collection. "Which one is your favorite trophy?"

"That's like asking a girl to just pick one pair of shoes."

"Oh, please, everyone has their favorite kill. You want to hear mine? Her name was Black Canary. I will never forget her. Hmm. It was so...delicious, killing her. They told me that I'd done it before, but I can't imagine it ever getting old." Sara swung at the boss before he used his powers to put her in a chokehold. Sara wasn't there anymore. "The very first thing I did in this reality was acquire my magic." He lifted her off the ground. "I'm gonna miss you, Miss Lance. Having you around to attend to my every whim was too enticing to pass up. Plus, it's so hard to find good help these days."

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