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"You know, I always hated Ray's chore wheel, but breakfast duty's kind of fun." I admitted as I flipped the pancakes over. "And it tastes way better than the food fabricator.
"It feels almost normal." Amaya admitted.

"I don't know what day of the week it is." Amaya admitted, starting her rant as I leaned on the kitchen counter next to her. "That I don't know how you got used to."

"See, that's the problem with the temporal zone. You don't know if it's Sunday. You don't know if it's Monday. And Sunday should feel different than Monday. I love what we do. I do. It's just sometimes I wish I could get off the ship."
"Yeah, exactly." She agreed. "I just want to breathe some fresh air and see some trees. You know, when I first moved from Zambesi to D.C., I used to go camping every weekend. I just love being outside, under the stars."

"That sounds terrible and cold and miserable." I admitted. "I'm a city girl and that does not work for me whatsoever." I wiped my hand on my nose and looked at Amaya who was smiling back at me childishly. "What, is there something on my face?"

"A little."

I sighed, not wanting to have to ask for help. "Can you please get off?"

"Okay." She pinched my nose to get whatever was on it off. We ended up with our faces at a distance so close they were almost touching. "Um...I should go get the-" She said awkwardly, pulling away.

"No, um..." There was a timequake and Amaya went flying into my arms. I caught her, but we were in the same predicament we were in moments ago.

"Um, what was that?" She asked in a whisper.

"Did you guys feel that timequake?" Nate came in, interrupting the moment. We pulled away from one another and looked at Nate, the situation more awkward now than before. "Must have been one monster aberration. Gideon?"

"The shock wave's point of origin was December 25th, 1776."

"That's the night that George Washington led the Continental Army across the Delaware." I said in realization.

"I'm afraid not. General Washington was murdered that Christmas."


"This is a trap." Sara said immediately after learning the news of Washington's death. "It's Chicago all over again. Thawne and his buddies are trying to lure us to 1776."

"Very effective, I might add." My father said, agreeing with her.

"Yeah." Mick added in passing.

"You wish to speak, Mr. Rory? I noticed the death of our forefather hasn't diminished your appetite." My father commented as Mick contemplated and eventually took a seat by the parlor.

"Mm, Washington's a punk."

"He led America to independence and became its first president." He continued to argue.

"Well, without Washington, America wouldn't have democracy." Ray pointed out. "Or 'Hamilton.'"

"If Washington's so cool, why's he on the 1 dollar bill and Franklin's on the 100 dollar bill? Now he's cool."

"He is cool, but he didn't lead the troops across the Delaware in a sneak attack." Nate argued lightly. "Washington did. And, if that offensive fails, the American Revolution fails, and the United States ceases to exist."

"Like I said, trap." Sara insisted.

"Well, surely you're not suggesting we do nothing?" My father asked her, appalled.

"No, we have to save Washington. We just need to be careful about it. Let's buckle up." We all obeyed and got into our seats.

"Wait, how do we even know where to find Washington?" Amaya asked while getting into her seat.

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