How you meet + first 'date' -Zane

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Y/n POV 

"Alright guys that were a great lesson, Alex remember to plan a dismount." My students looked back at me and we cleared the floor. I was closing up the gym but played my floor routine.  I took a running start and landed my front walkover into a handspring. 

"That was quite impressive." I quickly stood up and turned. There was the nindroid. 

"Sorry to scare you I am Zane, Nya sent me to pick you up." I was stunned. Nya hadn't texted me and here was this guy that she'd told me about. 

"I'm y/n sorry you just startled me thank you though..." I said putting on my sweats and grabbing my bag. 

"Tell me what were you doing?" He said coming closer.

"I'm a gymnastics coach...I could teach you a thing or two." I knew he was a ninja but I wondered what he could do. 

"I would most like that." I started him on some drills and then we moved to the bars. 

A/N-I did gymnastics in elementary school I'm going to use vague language  

He was of course very strong and handled himself well. He dismounted perfectly. I clapped and he did a little bow. 

"Maybe I could teach you to fight?" 

"Of course just maybe when I'm less tired," I said stretching. I rubbed my ankle after I landed on it wrong. In an instant, a small ring of ice formed around it. 

"This will keep the swelling down, my scans conclude that you also rely on your right leg to much it's significantly stronger but will have more long-term damage if you keep relying on it." I looked at my leg I would have never known that. 

Zane POV

I handed her water and picked up her bag. Something was making me take care of her. Her smile gave me a new feeling I ran through my database. It was concluded I was attracted to her. 

"y/n I am attracted to you, I would like to get to know you," She choked onto her water looking at me.  

"I think I want to get to know you to." She responded. 

"perfect now I should bring you back to Nya." She laughed and I had her jump on my back. As we pulled down the door she switched off the light. 

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