Affer the fight-lloyd

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2 months in the dessert made me so happy to be back in my apartment. I came inside and set my stuff down. After I showered I got my phone. There is no point in bringing on the expedition because I didn't get service. When I opened the phone I had hundreds of notifications. But the first one I looked for was the Lloyds. But instead all I found were tablets reporting on us breaking up.

I deleted the notifications and looked at the photos of us I had on the wall. I got up and called Misako. She told me to stop by her office with the report.

Lloyd POV

My mom had called telling me y/n was back. I immediately got on my bike and raced to the museum.


I greeted my expedition partner Ryan. He was a few years older than me and taught me a lot. He even suggested we write the report together and we became pretty close. After all we were the youngest people on the expedition.

I walked inside and before he went to the office he stopped me.

" I don't know if you feel the same way but I don't want to stop seeing you," my heart started to beat faster. I didn't know if it was because it was too soon or because I was excited at the idea.

"Y/n?" I knew that voice. I turned and there was Lloyd. Although he was in his training gi he held my favorite flowers. For some reason I got scared that he heard what Ryan said.

" oh wow the green ninja pleasure meet you." Ryan said. Of course he knew we dated.

" Who is this guy?" Lloyd said in the shaky voice. That's when I knew I was upset that Lloyd heard this. But I couldn't just run into his arms after what he said about me.

"He's my expedition partner," I said coldly.

"Y/n! Sweetie please come in Lloyd Ryan wait outside." Misaka ushered. She sat me down and that's when she started talking. I couldn't tell what to feel. Knowing that Lloyd didn't actually mean that he just wanted his mom to take back her offered for me to stay. I didn't know what to do.

"My son loves you he was scared you would leave him like I did and I'm sorry I didn't get this message to you sooner," I just didn't know if this meant I could just get back together with him.

I walked out and there he was. Perfect as always. But I remember the day I stormed off what I said.
" do you know Lloyd, Ryan supported me wherever I went and I want you to do the same," this made Ryan smile but I didn't see him that way.

"Ryan can we talk later?" He nodded before giving me a hug and handing me part of the report.

" your mom told me and I'm sorry. But it doesn't make us fine because I need to be with someone that supports me wherever I am in the world,"

" I have waited two months for that call. So I could see you again, touch you again, maybe even kiss you again. I was selfish and you are my world and I will follow you kinda I am a ninja..." he said. He walked closer. He didn't touch  me yet.

" please, I am miserable without you, you mean everything to me and I'm sorry we lost two months just agree to go for a second first date or whatever," after he said that I took his hand. I could almost hear his heart beating. I moved him closer and snaked one hand around his torso. Then I put my head on his chest. He immediately put both arms around me and rested his chin head on top of mine.

"I'd like that," I said finally

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