First kiss-Zane

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Zane POV
For the past week, I became very flustered around her. Every hug when we stopped to look at each other I pushed her away. I didn't mean to I just got nervous. I told her I didn't mean to and she reassured me. However, I talked to Nya.
"Why haven't you kissed her?"
"I do not know everytime her face gets at the right distance I feel nervous." Nya gave me a discouraging look.
"Zane SHES getting nervous you don't want her" with that I took off. I formed my dragon and jumped off the bounty.
I knew y/n was at home. I tapped on her window and she turned from her desk. She looked hesitant but I motioned to open the window. She didn't say a word but I jumped in.
"I am here to kiss you and tell you how much I desire you," I said quickly. I felt my face heat up. She just looked back eyes wide. She mumbled something. I took a minute to admire her. Even in lounge clothes I wanted to be closer. Make sure she knew I was in this relationship. 
"You desire me?" I nodded. Remembering what Naya said. I walked over to her and placed one hand on her check. I moved the hair from her face. Then I leaned in. Immediately I started kissing her. Her arms wrapped around me as I gripped her waist. I kissed her sweetly. 
"Y/n that was...I want to do that more.."
"I do to Zane!" She said. I kissed her check and suggested she come to the bounty.
"To what meet your team!" I encouraged her since I knew they would like her. 
"You already know Kai and Nya and now you have a boyfriend." She got nervous again. I could see her anxiety levels raised.
"My what?"
"Boyfriend I am your boyfriend. I want you to be happy and I want to protect you and be the only one that you teach new gymnastic tricks to..." I started rambling.
"I want to do that Zane." She said pressing her forehead to mine.

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