He talks about you-Kai

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I may throw in oc names to keep it less confusing and in all scenarios except Jays he is dating Nya. And same for Zane he is with PIXEL.


We all sat in the game room. Let's just say we started talking about our partners becuase we all had one.
"Please y/n will learn spinjitzu first," I boosted. Look y/n was strong and like me had drive.
"I beg to differ technically Nya learned first," Jay said.

"But she doesn't really count cause she knew about her powers months before!" Cole jumped in.

"Guys this isn't a debate cause y/n wins every time." I said.

"She's incredibly strong has already beat Lloyd in sparring and is the closet in controlling her powers," I said grabbing a handful of goldfish.

"And she's already learned how to use a sword and even produced and energy boost." I looked and they all looked back at me.
"Plus she already looks so good in the amour and can outrun everyone of us and every-time after training she kisses me and then hands me a towel...."
"Kai is so in love." I snapped my head up and Jay talked.
"Oh shut up Jay,"

"Dude ive never heard you talk like this I mean what's her favorite thing?" Coke said

"(Insert fav thing) and she always stays on the phone late and night and when she falls asleep after training I always braid her hair a bit so it's less annoying to shower after and then just hang out till she wakes up she's everything I could ask for." I said. Oh shit I didn't mean to say that out loud.
"Kai I was kidding before but?"

"Love is a complicated thing but it seems like you feel it," Zane said. I leaned back. Love. Did I love her? Look I've dated my fair share of girls but she kept my sane. Called me out for my shit. And of course was stunning in everyway.
"DONT tell her alright I have to do it myself." I said getting up.
"Whoa guys here finally found the one!" Cole called out.


I was hanging out in the house when my phone rang
"Hey hot stuff" I said.
"Hey babe I just wanted to say I missed you a lot."
"Aww I miss you too but I will see you tomorrow for training."
"Yeah but after I just want some you and me time...maybe we can finally start that show?"his voice was different then normal. It sounded kind of nervous but sincere.
"Of course Kai," I smiled and now I missed him.
"I'm coming to get you." Before I could say anything he hung up.


I rode my bike and got to her house. I knocked on the door and there she was. I grabbed her and kissed her. Like I didn't have any time left.
"Ok Kai need breath..." she said. I pulled her into a hug and rested my chin onto her head.
"Grab your stuff we can start training early!" She laughed and I tilted her chin kissing her cheek.
"I have school work!"
"I don't care I'll have Zane do it for you." I rubbed her back and pulled her in.
"Kai not that I don't like this mood your in but why?"
"I just wanna make sure you know I care,"
"Of course I know I've never been treated better," I relaxed more. That's when I grabbed her bag from inside shut and locked the door and put her on the bike.

Next up is gonna be the fight scenario but it won't be cheating

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