After the fight-Cole

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"Hey your balance is getting so much better!" I said helping y/n off stacked round stones. It had been a month and her stress fractures has started healing so she could finally start moving around and train the tiniest bit.

"Can I please try spi-" I gave her a stern look.

"Don't even think about it your so close to being healed," I said. She sighed. I knew how bad y/n wanted to train but after Cole essentially burning her out I couldn't take the chance.

"Have you talked to him?" She said. I turned.

"Just about missions and actually they should be back soon so I guess it's time for you to go?" I looked up and there he was. But I had no idea if they would look be able to be in the same room. I didn't want them to be together before y/n was all better. I was fixing what Cole broke.

"Yeah I should-" she was cut off when the dragons flew over. The guys jumped down. Luna was with them.

"Hey!" jay said jogging over and kissing me. Then I saw it Cole and y/n looking directly at each other.

Cole POV

I had only caught glimpses of her leaving the Monserrat from my window for the past month. Looking at her she seemed healthy. We were across the yard and I wanted to walk over. But my legs wouldn't move.

"Uh hey let's go get cleaned up," Kai said his arm around me guiding me inside. I looked at her. Her face was hard nothing like she use to be.


I felt my ankle and legs start to hurt. I was having a reaction to seeing him knowing he was the reason I stayed in bed for weeks.

-2 months later-

I was in the training yard with Nya.
"It's time give it your all!" Nya said.

"You can do it y/n!" Luna and Lloyd said. That's when I started seeing sparks. I kept moving faster and faster. It was like a fog of light was in my vision.

"Come on hit the dummy"It was supper confuseing to move. That's when Cole walked out. I noticed the stitches in his arm and crack like mark on his face. His knee in a brace and a bruised face. That's when I fell. I hit my head and landed at his feet. No one said anything he immediately picked me up.

"You did it..." he said taking his arm off my waist.

"I did it by myself." I said. Nya ran over.
"Are you hurt? I don't even care you did spinjitzu for the first time!" She kept talking but I looked at him. I was so angry still.

"Don't touch me again," I said before walking away. Nya started me again and I focused.

-couple weeks later-

"We will celebrate y/n first mission when we come back!" Kai said putting me in the second seat of his vehicle. Lloyd and Cole stayed back. Kai sped off. A shipment including the most precious artifacts was being ambushed.

We caught up and everything went according to plan. Zane started driving the trucks to the location while the rest of us secured the criminal drivers.

"I knew you were ready!" I laughed as we sat down in the back of the truck. That's when we stopped. Jay opened the door and we were met with spears. I tried to jump over but I was grabbed. The rest of was were taken to a cave. Inside were so many criminals. We were all tired back to back.

"It won't let me burn the rope what the hell is it?" Kai said wiggleing. I looked around they took all our devices but one. I used my chin to click on my locket. Cole had given it to me as a gift since it was family heirloom but it could send a distress signal anywhere ein the world.
"Don't worry guys back up will be here soon," Nya knew what I did. We didn't dare say more I fear they would move us.

Cole POV

I signed in the court yard. That's when I heard the alarm I ran to my room. The location ping popped up and I called Lloyd. We made our way I saw them at the back of the cave.


I saw Cole from the corner of my eyes. Between us was a few guards and vehicles. Why we were being held here I had no idea. We heard a few crashes and there they were Lloyd running to us. We heard the rumble and then entrance of the cave started shutting. Lloyd starting untiring us as Cole kept everyone away. We started climbing and running to the entrance but the door shut. It became pitch dark. My powers were essentially rendered useless.
"Y/n come on you can find a way out with your powers," Cole said. He was standing next to me but didn't touch me. I took a breath and that's when I was able to create a small beam of light to the top left of the cave. Cole gave me a nod and sent a shock up to the small opening and rocks fell.
"Let's go it's gonna collapse!" Kai yelled as we ran. I was able to light a path for us as we climbed. Lloyd pulled me out the opening as we heard screams.
"Cole isn't here!" Jay screamed. I looked back at the opening and Cole was at the bottom fighting off a criminal. But the cliff around him was  falling leaving him trapped. I started to panic. "
"Guys just go!" Cole yelled up looking at us.
"No way!" I yelled back. Everyone gave me a shocked look.
"Alright just because of what happened doesn't mean I'm gonna sit back and watch the man I love die!" I yelled. I started talk climbing down. Nya grabbed my arm.
"You will be trapped-" I pushed her off and jumped. Yeah I fell pretty hard.

Cole POV

I ran over to her and pushed us both away as a rock fell.
"I'll find another way," she said grabbing my hand running along the wall of the cave. That's when it went dark.
"Wait, why did you come back we could both die!" I said. Her hand grasped mine.
"We don't have time for this conversation but I wasn't going to leave you!" That's when we heard running water. She grew a light orb as we ran to the noise. When we found the stream I broke the wall. We ran through the tunnel as I broke the rock. We heard the cave collapsing and I pushed through one last wall a current of water hit us. I shielded her with my body as I created a tunnel up to keep from being trapped by the water. Then we were finally on land. We both laid in the grass.

"Thank you," he said panting. I sat up. I watched his chest rise and fall. His dark eyes look at me as he sat. I couldn't forgot how harshly he treated me-
"I'm so sorry y/n I was so worried you wouldn't be able to fight and then would get hurt that I ended up being the one hurting you," he said tears briming. I scooted over to him. I wiped a tear off his face.
"I just wanted you to act like you loved me again not just train me,"
"I should have I regret it everyday and I always will," I had one hand on his check.
"You broke my heart you didn't kiss me or hug me you were more proud of Luna then me!" I said feeling myself being angry.
"It's all my fault you know that please I just want-"
"Cole I still love you..."
"I have always loved you please I will be your boyfriend only not you leader ever again..." I nodded. I hugged him and we landed in the grass.
"We have a lot of catching up to do.." I laughed. I pushed his black hair off his face. I kissed his cheek.
"I longed for you everyday I watched you train I wanted to hug and yelled when you did spinjitzu for the first time!" I smiled.
"I avoided you cause I didn't know what to say, I was angry but I didn't stop loving you,"
"Y/n will you go out with me?"
"I will Cole but we should find the others?" I said. We stood up.
"My ankle..." Cole immediately picked me up.
"I can walk," he shook his head. Eventually we made it back to the vehicles.
"Y/n is she hurt?" Nya said running over.
"Ankle hurts from the fall," he said sitting me on the bike.
"Hey Cole your stitches ripped I need to fix them immediately," Zane said. I looked his arm dripped blood. I jumped down.
"BOTH OF YOU STOOP MOVING!" Nya yelled. We all laughed and let them fix us up.

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