A morning with him -Zane

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The thing about sleeping with Zane is he didn't actually sleep. He was a nindroid he didn't need to sleep. But for me he's lay down so I'd be comfortable and he mediated.
Once I finally woke up he was right here same position and everything.
"Good morning," he said. I rubbed my eyes and moved closer. He caressed my back before looking at the clock.
"Come on you can sit on the counter with your coffeee while I make breakfast," he said. I nodded. We got out of bed and he grabbed his sweatshirt. I put is on and walked to the kitchen. I sat on the counter and Zane handed me a cup of coffee.

I finished my coffee and smelled (favorite breakfast).
"I have to finsih the mechs with Pixal but after that how about we go see the cherry blossoms?" Zane asked.
"That's sounds really nice!" I said. I'd go anywhere with Zane but dates when it was just the two of us talking we're probably my favorite.
"Damn Zane smells amazing," Cole said taking a bite before the table was set.
"Hey have you guys noticed the paparazzi is on our ass lately?" Kai sighed.
"I was just trying to grocery shop and they ambushed me I though we were past these days," Jay sighed. I looked over at Zane. Maybe cherry blossoms weren't the best date idea in the public park. (Wink wink Next chapter) After we cleaned up we went back to Zane's room.
"I know another place I can take you that's just as beautiful but almost more private," Zane said. He walked over and pulled me in for a kiss. It started off pretty soft until he moved us onto the bed. My arms went around his neck as his hand trailed down my waist.
"I'd like that," I finally said taking in a breath. The weather was getting warmer but not enough for summer clothes yet.
Once we were both ready he conjured his dragon. The sun was beating down until we got to oh this is amazing.

Zane POV
"Zane how is this place real?" Y/n said behind me. I took her down to the birch wood forest.  Their was a light dusting of snow on the ground but the sun was high enough to let it sparkle. 
"Not cherry blossoms but I thought you enjoy it," I took her hand and we started walking. We came uptown a stream that I froze so we could walk over. Eventually we came to a clearing. Y/n ran ahead of me and laid in the snow.
"I know it's not winter but still come on!" I laughed sitting down next to her. Eventually we caught each-other eyes and I kissed her again.
"It's so quiet," y/n said as I laid her down in my arms.
"I just wanted to show you something as beautiful as you," she lightly slapped my arm.
"So sappy Zane," she laughed before kissing my check. I Held her tighter just to keep her in the moment.

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